New Gastric Girl on the block...

HI there.

I just recently started using MFP and I'm totally in love with it already!

I had Gatric Bypass Surgery in 2009 and I've lost well over 100 pounds. However, I'm down to my last 20 pounds and they are the hardest! I'm working on my calorie in take and incorporating a lot more exercise. I slacked off a little since I began working again this past 6 months and now I'm back on track.

I recently purchased the Wii, along with the Wii Fit and I'm addicted!! I didn't think it would be possible to love it as much as I do! I also love the Just Dance games and I fully believe they make you sweat harder then the workouts!

Just thought I'd pop in to introduce myself and make a few friends.

Good luck to everyone :)B):D


  • dmolina12
    dmolina12 Posts: 12 Member
    An amazing story of weight loss!! Good luck with your last 20 pounds. I can be your friend!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    bow , hello and welcome. Congratulations on that much weight loss, thats awesome. Lol, know what you mean about those last 20 lbs, I need to lose 23 to hit my goal, so I can relate......

    just curious ,how has it been since your surgery? Did your surgery go well, and did you have any problems since surgery? Its great you have lost so much, thats an awesome photo of you holding your old jeans up for the photo...........Add me as a friend if youd like.......Best wishes, you look great............Lloyd
  • bowmin05
    Hi there and thanks to you both!

    In regards to the questions from Lloydrt, life has been great since surgery and yes it went very well. They only problem I've had since surgery has been brought on by myself if I eat to quickly and then food seems to feel stuck. But I've learned to pace myself and no scarf things down.

    Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    thanks bow, and the same to you. Im glad to hear about your surgery, every once in a while some one will ask if any of the people here know much about surgery, gastric and lap band information . You may be the one who can answer them, lol

    take care, and welcome, you look great, your photo is unreal how much weight youve lost............Lloyd