Anyone with 50-ish lbs & are starting Insanity?

Maybe it's a tad specific, but I want to start Insanity soon, and I could use some support with people in the same boat, or even people with similar stats! Please add me!

24 F
Starting Weight: 181
Current Weight: 169
Goal Range: 120-130


  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Friend request sent!
  • MommaRaven
    MommaRaven Posts: 23 Member
    I'm starting Insanity tomorrow with my husband, but I'd love some women to talk with and share motivation with. Sometimes guys just don't get it! My stats are similar to yours, but sightly bigger. Hope that's ok. I'm excited and nervous about starting Insanity.

    29 F
    Starting weight: 211
    Current weight: 206
    Goal range: 155-145
  • sambustem
    sambustem Posts: 83
    Hi! I've done Insanity and it was great! I am starting a motivation group on Facebook called Journey to Fitness for those who want to lose 50 pounds or more. It is for anyone just looking for support and motivation (and a sounding board) for others on similar journeys. I'm going to start the Piyo program on Aug 4th and am doing Combat until then. Anyone can join - as long as you want to lose the weight! :) You can find it under groups (its a secret page - so all information is kept within the group) or friend me and I'll invite you - Laura Haneiko Stanford.

    Laura :)
  • divyagrad13
    Wow! I am on the same exact page with you! I am 5'5" and weight 172lbs. Starting weight was 180. Im only 20 so it does definitely suck! Im in college right now and it sucks being so self-conscious while everyone else is just wearing cute clothes and eats whatever junk they want. Im starting Insanity August 1st! :) I tried Insanity twice already and the farthest I've gone is four days straight. its embarrassing.
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Hay, 23 year old, 5'6 with 2 children

    This is my second time doing insanity. The first time I did complete it but ended up gaining around 20lbs seeing as I was eating any and everything I wanted, and after that ended up gaining another 50lbs :(
    I am about to start week 4 and have lost around 7lbs so far, not sure how many inches seeing as I did't measure when I initially started.

    Could do with the motivation... Feel free to add!
  • Lou_Darling93
    I'm starting it today! I've just set up a group for it and would love for anybody interested to join!

    I've tried it like twice before and only managed a week because I don't do as well without support and accountability so I think this would be a great way to help each other out!

    I wanna lose about 31 lbs.