Getting started. Again.

Hey there! I'm Crystal. Stay at home mom of 4 and I royally messed up my weight loss. :-( I started MFP almost a year ago. Kept at it. Recorded everything and did walking and bike riding for exercise. I did GREAT!!!!! I got with in three pounds of my goal by last Thanksgiving! I was wearing a size I had not worn in a dozen years. I was supper proud of myself. Then, like most things in my life, I messed it up.

I had sinus surgery on New Year's Eve. I used the recovery time as an excuse to not exercise. That became SOOO nice. Not forcing myself to get up and get out. I tried getting back into it. Maybe three times and stopped. At that same time my winter food munchies kicked in. And then Girl Scout Cookies and then Birthday Cookies from my sister (she makes the BEST sugar cookies). After that I got hooked on craving Reese's Pieces. Seriously, the big bag from Sam's.... Gone in two/three days. No joke.

I THINK I may have a food (specifically junk) addiction. I wake up wondering what I can eat and go to bed thinking about what I can have the next day. My main thoughts throughout the day are about food. I eat even when I am full. I eat even when my stomach already hurts from eating. But I guess that would be for another message board topic. :-)

I started back on July 16th. I've done well so far. Lost almost 5 pounds. I weigh a lot more this time then when I started the last time so I have along way to go. A very long way to go. :-( Wish me luck. Help support me. Send a friend request if you want. I've got to do this. I don't want to fall into the normal middle age pattern of the women in my family. I don't want to hit 40 next year (Oh Dear Lord!! How can it be so close?!) and be overweight. I don't want my kids to be embarrassed of me.

Talk to you later!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    The big 4-0 motivated me! Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • tryfosaferguson
    tryfosaferguson Posts: 1 Member
    Wow your amazing
    Truth hurts but your not hiding from it your facing your fear and starting to beat those munchie habits we all fall into
    I will support you
    Go girl
  • JJofWA
    JJofWA Posts: 15
    You sound like me (I'm also a stay-at-home mother of four approaching 40. Yikes.) My suggestion would be to fine a workout/exercise plan that you actually enjoy. Whether it be a sport you've wanted to get involved in or hiking, biking, a stroller group you'd like to join (I don't know how old your kids are), dance, whatever. Something that you'd feel motivated to keep up with because you enjoy it. An exercise partner is a great way to keep yourself on target, also.
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Crystal. I did the same thing and I too was always thinking of food. Two days ago I decided that it was time to get serious. I added some pretty dedicated friends that are totally motivating me by their example. You can add me, we can do this!! I only have 20 pounds to loose and I really want to work harder to maintain the weight loss this time.