New Here, 100+ lbs to lose!

Decided to give MFP another go around. Tried the website out awhile back but my computer crashed and got off track. Now I have a computer again and get to start over....again. Just looking for some other people to keep the motivation alive. Friend requests greatly appreciated :)


  • formality
    formality Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there! I'm also starting over again (used MFP before, but I didn't dedicate myself to it, and I didn't reach out to the community here, so I sort of gave up), and I've got over 100lbs to lose as well.

    Will send you along a FR. Maybe we can keep each other motivated! :)
  • Keeby1
    Keeby1 Posts: 2
    Definitely adding you up! I gave up the website years ago and decided to go again, now with 108 lbs to lose.
  • CGH2017
    CGH2017 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies, also redoing MFP, also got over 100 pounds to lose. Very daunting! Keep wanting to start, but keep feeling scared of failing again :-( Planning to start tomorrow though. Good luck to you both!
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi there. I started with over 100lb to lose. I'm now 38lbs in/off! Please feel free to add me!
  • ded82570
    ded82570 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in the same boat...have done this many times and never stuck to it...made excuses for everything......Let's do this!!!!!!!!
  • Keeby1
    Keeby1 Posts: 2
    I'm quite depressed now about it since I've gained another 25 pounds. This is going to be rough, but at least I've started playing Quidditch so it should be a little easier.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    it can be done, try not looking at the whole picture, instead, tell yourself for today, i will make better choices, log my food and get some exercise. If in a week, you have lost a mere pound and are 99 pound overweight, that's better than being 100 pounds overweight.

    and finally, why start tomorrow?

    edited for typos
  • teknosprite
    teknosprite Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all :) seems that many of us have been on here before and are now returning - me too! Im looking to lose about 50 lbs. im scared, its intimidating to think of such a lifestyle change, but i know i need to do it. Adding some exercis, im starting but cutting calories seems nearly impossible. I feel like ill be hungry all the time. :( but others on here have done it so i can do it too! Friend me anyone - i need all the support i can get, as we all do! :)
  • sourkuss
    sourkuss Posts: 7
    Same here. Tried this app on and off for 2 years and when I count what I eat-I lose. I have 50 to lose but I am only telling myself 20 at a time to make it seem not so overwhelming! Coming on here for support. Tired of not having accountability. The hard part for me is sticking to ANYTHING. If I can just use the app everyday I can be successful! So hoping to get motivation and support on here! Lets do this!!!!!
  • sourkuss
    sourkuss Posts: 7
    How does everyone get those weight counter thingys on here?
  • jreble
    jreble Posts: 1
    I relate to all of your posts. New to MFP but ready to give it a go starting tomorrow. I have over 100 lbs to lose and need some support. I am reaching out because I feel I really need help. My weight has become a health issue for me. I am tired, aching, and at times very depressed. My weight makes me feel as though I am not good enough and not taken seriously. The only thing holding me back from this is me. Any friends to go along with me on this journey would be much appreciated.
  • tiffanyagee2003
    Do you use the phone app , website, or both? I am a newbie and just curious. I want to lose about 75lbs
  • Mrs_Brigham
    Mrs_Brigham Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! Add me! Everyone! Anyone! :) I would love to help provide support and motivation, and I could use some as well!

    The thing I keep reminding myself about weight loss is the same thing that I told myself when I quit smoking (twice) and got so out of shape: "I'm still learning how to do this. I need help, and I need to be nice to myself about it. This is tough, but I can see the path."

    You can do it!

  • tiffanyagee2003
    To get the Ticker click on Apps tab above. Then when you get to that page you will see the Tickers tab. Click on that to create your ticker. I asked the same question before and no one replied, finally found it myself
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    You can do it.
    Good luck to you v
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    100+ for me also! I have been on and off of this site for a couple of years. I'd never had friends on here, just people I really knew but few used the site. I am getting on the forums and blogs now and it's soooo much nicer having this support system!

    Anyone, please feel free to add me!
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    Hey all,

    I also have about 45 kilo to loose (I think that's 100lb?) anyhow it's a lot. I'm currently 112 kg and I want to be 60 kg.

    I've not been in the right mind space for a while now but need to get off my butt and do something aobut it as I refuse to buy bigger clothes. Also all my friends are skinny so I don't feel that they really understand how hard this is for me.

    I've plotted my food for the rest of the week and printed it out and am going to put it on the fridge at home. Any friend requests will be accepted.

    Thanks :)