c25k and GAINING weight? WTF

I'm running 3x per week doing C25K training but I've gained 5 pounds since I started 3 weeks ago.
I'm 230-something, 5'5" and 24 years old. I'm eating 1800 calories per day. Started off eating back my running calories, then stopped doing that. Didn't make a difference. I feel STARVED if I eat less than that. Plus I'm breastfeeding 3 or so times per day. On running days I'm drinking 60 oz of water per day and probably 40 oz on non running days.

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG????????????????????????? :sad:


  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    1.How are you measuring portions? You might want to look into a good digital scale, that made a difference for me.
    2.Scale reads can fluctuate. I can vary up to five pounds in a single day. There's a lot of reasons for it. Try doing measurements, body fat percentage, that kind of things as an addition to the scale.
    3.How did you calculate needed calories? I'm not sure how breastfeeding makes a difference but I was under the impression that you would need a few more in your day?
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Need to eat more to start with - secondly recently gave birth I assume? depending on how recently you did you might want to give it some time for your body and hormones to re-adjust.
  • satan__
    satan__ Posts: 11 Member
    Like said before, weight will vary on the scale. Try to take readings at the same time after doing the same thing. Like directly after you wake up in the morning after using the bathroom for your true weight being recorded. And if you ate a lot the night before it will probably make you heavier, for example I had about 2100 calories in one sitting when I came home from work one night after working all day and I still was about 2lbs heavier than what I believe is my real weight, the morning after. If you still are noticeably gaining weight after fixing your weighing, and you are sure that it isnt just water weight. Then you are calculating calories wrong, no way around it.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I gave birth 18 months ago.
    I'll take my food scale out and try to make everything accurate instead of guessing.
    More than 1800? What would you suggest or how would you suggest I figure the right number?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    are you losing inches/ clothes feel looser? if you are then you are on the right path and the scale will catch up.

    if no then you're either eating more than you think you are, eating more than you think you need . it's hard to tell because your diary isnt open
  • LynseyJean
    LynseyJean Posts: 10 Member
    I can't imagine you are eating too much if you are breastfeeding. 1,800 sounds reasonable for your height and weight.. As others have said, I would invest in a scale and be very precise with your portions. A little here and a little there can really add up!! :)