enough is enough.

Hey everyone. I'm Beth, I'm from the UK, and I'm 20 years old.

I used to use this app a few months ago and did lose weight! However as soon as I stopped using it, I ended up eating absolute junk food again!! I'm now at my heaviest weight and technically classed as obese. I knew I was overweight but didn't realise how overweight I was.
That's enough, it's time to get sorted and start a healthier lifestyle.

Friends and encouragement along the way would be amazing! I'd love to make new friends here, I love to chat to others and I'll encourage you guys in any way that I can! Feel free to send me a friend request or comment on this post!



  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Hay. I'm 23 years old

    I'm from the UK but now reside in the US. That is part of how I gained more weight. Missing family, having children and life hitting me all at once.
    My goal is to loose around 60 pouds. We can encourage eachother and stay positive.

    Good luck on your journey! x
  • bethanyjackson28
    Absolutely we can! I'm trying to do mine in smaller goals first, so my first goal is to lose a stone, then it will be another stone, until I feel happy with my weight and appearance!

    Good luck to you, too! We can do it! :) x
  • nikole21212
    21 from the U.S
    I understand. I stopped using this site for a month and gained 10lbs back easily with fast food and junk food smh :explode:
    But I'm back losing now and can use the motivation as well.
    Going to add you, we can do this!
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    Yes we can do this. I'm trying to loose 10lbs at a time but overall goal is 60 pounds.

    Also if anyone has any type of healthy foods that are easy/quick to make feel free to share :)
  • rainrain83
    rainrain83 Posts: 82 Member
    me too. today is the start for me.
    i have gone up & down but have put on 9kg since
    my wedding 3 years ago.
    need to get it off.
  • mwaha26ter2
    mwaha26ter2 Posts: 10 Member
    hey guys i hope am not too late
    i exercise a lot then become a lazy-*kitten* so i get no effect
    but today i decided to start again
    good luck everyone
    hopefully we will do it !!
    PS.:add me if u like
  • chloe2300
    chloe2300 Posts: 87 Member
    Hiya, I'm 22 and from the UK. I started using MFP a year ago but was patchy in logging foods and sticking to my calorie limits. Since knuckling down I've lost 60lbs but I still have a way to go. I prefer to set short term goals and try to keep making small changes that I can stick to - I know for me this is only going to be successful if it's a "lifestyle change" rather than just following short-term fads.
  • K8Y88
    K8Y88 Posts: 48
    Absolutely we can! I'm trying to do mine in smaller goals first, so my first goal is to lose a stone, then it will be another stone, until I feel happy with my weight and appearance!

    Good luck to you, too! We can do it! :) x

    This is exactly how I plan to lose all my weight, mini goals of 12lbs. I want to loose around 60+lbs

    Feel free to add me! ????