Friends that have over 100lbs to lose and open diaries

Looking for friends that have open diaries so I can get some more good food ideas

I have a lot to lose and am having difficultly establishing what to have for lunch
I'm cutting way down on bread and pasta etc and trying to eat more natural foods

A rough idea of what I eat daily is
Breakfast, oats or a smoothie or fruit if on the run
Dinner: vegetables, a little potato and some form of meat like salmon, mince, chicken etc

Feel free to add me or suggest some good healthy lunch ideas


  • Lialena
    Lialena Posts: 45 Member
    My diary is open, and I have over 100 to loose, but I still eat pizza, breaded chicken, pasta, and other things along those lines. If you want an example of someone loosing while making small changes over time (allergies and picky eating - jumping right into a major diet overhaul was not for me, I make changes gradually) then feel free to have a look and add me if you'd like. :)

    For lunch I tend to opt for something quick that I can reheat. Usually it's BBQ chicken pizza (medium slice is 230 cals) with some wedges (145). Or soup (330).
    Before I got sick of salad I would have roasted chicken strips (120 cal) on iceberg lettuce with carrots, croutons, spices, and a dusting of cheese. I think that totaled about 250 calories if memory serves.

    When I have more time to cook something I make mini-baked potatoes using the small seedling potatoes. About 5 of those is 100 calories (depends on size/weight) and have that along with breaded chicken (260) or roasted chicken (120).

    Sometimes i'm not really hungry enough for a meal at lunch, so my lunch is more of a snack. A cup or two of popcorn and a container of applesauce (148 if 1 cup popcorn, 206 if two).
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    You are welcome to add me if you want to, my diary is open. I'm down to my last 16 lbs to lose but I started out needing to lose over 100 :)
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    I'll deffinatly add you

    I can't let myself eat in moderation because i end up going way overboard
    I couldn't have one slice of pizza without eating the whole pizza

    So I'm trying to eat clean, trying haha :)
    But that's my personal choice
    I know heaps of people lose with just eating in moderation
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    You are welcome to add me if you want to, my diary is open. I'm down to my last 16 lbs to lose but I started out needing to lose over 100 :)

    Congrats on your loss!
    I'll add you, it would be great speaking with someone who has lost so much
  • Arachnapheria
    Arachnapheria Posts: 55 Member
    I've just come back to MFP after a little away time and have well over 100lb to lose. I'm vegan so you'll find all my meals are vegetable based :) Feel free to add me
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    I've just come back to MFP after a little away time and have well over 100lb to lose. I'm vegan so you'll find all my meals are vegetable based :) Feel free to add me

    That's great!
    Exactly what I need :)
    I'm not vegan but it gives me ideas for meals where I don't want to eat chicken etc
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    When I started, I weighed 270lbs :) I'm now halfway to my goal, but if it helps, you can look at my food and exercise diaries if you like :) You're more than welcome!
    I'm not strict on myself, but I do eat better than I used to. Loads of fresh vegetables and proteins in my food intake, as well as a little choclate or biscuits from time to time (been off chocolate for over 1 week though) Woo hoo!!!!

    You can do it girl! :D xx Maire xx
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    When I started, I weighed 270lbs :) I'm now halfway to my goal, but if it helps, you can look at my food and exercise diaries if you like :) You're more than welcome!
    I'm not strict on myself, but I do eat better than I used to. Loads of fresh vegetables and proteins in my food intake, as well as a little choclate or biscuits from time to time (been off chocolate for over 1 week though) Woo hoo!!!!

    You can do it girl! :D xx Maire xx

    :) thanks
    I currently weigh about 275lbs
    So I have so far to go but I'm determined
    It's great to have positive influences and success stories around me

    I think once I learn about food abit more I may introduce some things back in
    Although until i know what I should be eating I'm going to try and eat the best I can
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    My diary is open, and I'm currently at 272.2lbs (started at 315), going to get down to 199 then re-evaluate, so probably have another 100lbs to go at least.

    I don't eat clean, but do try to eat in moderation - re-learning portions is the way to go, in my opinion, because once you are in the habit of eating less, it becomes second nature. I'm still surprised that I can eat less and still be satisfied, though. E.g. on a Sunday morning my husband and I have bacon sandwiches for breakfast. Nowadays I have one slice of bacon, poached egg, scrape of butter, two slices of thin sliced bread. Just over six months ago I'd have had two sandwiches, not one, with loads of butter and a fried egg, and still been able to eat any chocolate around the house for 'pudding'. I still look at the one sandwich and think 'that's not enough' but after I've eaten it, I find it is enough.

    Lifestyle change is the way to go, by using portion control in my case, I still want to be able to eat chips, pizza, cheese, sweets :)

    Very happy to share my diary and experiences :)
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    My diary is open, and I'm currently at 272.2lbs (started at 315), going to get down to 199 then re-evaluate, so probably have another 100lbs to go at least.

    I don't eat clean, but do try to eat in moderation - re-learning portions is the way to go, in my opinion, because once you are in the habit of eating less, it becomes second nature. I'm still surprised that I can eat less and still be satisfied, though. E.g. on a Sunday morning my husband and I have bacon sandwiches for breakfast. Nowadays I have one slice of bacon, poached egg, scrape of butter, two slices of thin sliced bread. Just over six months ago I'd have had two sandwiches, not one, with loads of butter and a fried egg, and still been able to eat any chocolate around the house for 'pudding'. I still look at the one sandwich and think 'that's not enough' but after I've eaten it, I find it is enough.

    Lifestyle change is the way to go, by using portion control in my case, I still want to be able to eat chips, pizza, cheese, sweets :)

    Very happy to share my diary and experiences :)

    Yes! :)
    Today I made me and my boyfriend like home made hamburger type things using bread
    I usually would eat two but I made one and packed salad on and when I finished I was sooooo full

    I would love to add you
    I'm at 275lbs right now :)
    We can do this together!
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    It's the old adage, my eyes are bigger than my belly (well not really but you know what I mean! ) and even six months down the line I still think that i need more than is on my plate. Well done on only having one burger, my husband still has two whenever we have them and doesn't put weight on, he's very lucky that way, not skinny by any means but just doesn't gain or lose whatever I feed him :)
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    Haha, my eyes are bigger then my belly too!
  • bianca_gardiner
    bianca_gardiner Posts: 37 Member
    hey i am looking for open diaries too. i have less than about 40 - 50 lbs to lose. set my daily intake to 2000 for slow lifestyle changing weight loss. want to do this forever not just a wee while then put weight on again. my diary is open add me