Student needs to lose 47-70lbs I really need help

Hi i'm new here, well i was a member back in 2011 but now i'm back.

I really need help, im 27 5'4 187lbs on a good day. I am starting my first semester or college next month so i really won't have a lot of time to workout (that may sound like a cop out but its not). I don't deal with stress well so I need to put most of my focus into studying and whatnot, so working out 2 hours a day 5 days a week just isn't going to work for me. I would be able to set aside 1 hour 4 days a week to workout but don't have a way to get to a real gym so all i have at my disposal is my super craptastic apartment complex gym.

I have an eating problem and i think most of it comes from me being depressed about my weight but i have a tendency to overeat so i pretty much always stay overweight. I have an extremely bad sugar addiction which has taken over my life, i always am thinking about food.... mostly sweets.

I would love to at least get down to 140 pounds but i am completely lost as to how to do it. I can't only eat 1200 calories, that is way too little for me. But i also can't workout for a really long time or really intensely because it only makes me hungrier.

SO what do i do lol?

I like to walk, i have a metal plate, pins and screws in my ankle so i don't like to run or jog or do anything really high impact. I like to do Leslie Sansones dvds, I used to like to lift but since i don't have any weights ( aside from a set of 8lb, 10lb and 12 lb dumbbells) lifting isn't really an option. I also like to do yoga at home.

Halp :ohwell: :flowerforyou:


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I'm a student also at around the same age so if you want to we can encourage each other. That being said weight loss is about calorie deficit so drop the sugar specially the drinks and go for water instead maybe one small diet soda or lightly sugared drink a day. weigh out everything. If the weights are bad maybe give some of the cardio machines a try an eliptical would likely be friendly on your ankle. And get rid of the sugary snacks keep healthy snacks in you home like fruit already portioned out to grab or portioned out trail mix.
  • Shannnabanana
    Shannnabanana Posts: 31 Member
    thanks :)
  • Bloopers123
    I'm your height and my highest weight was 160. I've lost 30 lbs before by basically starving myself for 2 months and so I gained all the weight back really quick. I really suggest finding the time to put a few hours into exercising each week because it will help motivate you. You will feel super guilty if you go on a binge because of all the work you've put into it and so you'll be less likely to do so. I know school can be tough, I'm still a student myself and have been one for as long as I can remember. I'm 22, starting grad school in a semester or two. When I have time off from school/work, all I want to do is bum around at home and stuff my face, but I know that will only make me feel crappier about myself. Having a gym membership motivates me to push myself harder. Also, if you drink soda, try cutting it out completely (it's so bad for you). You can have sweets, but do so moderately. Don't buy groceries when you're hungry and if you ever binge (you will), try not to beat yourself up about it and just start fresh the next day. Motivation is key!! Find a gym partner if you must! My friend goes with me and we push one another.
  • MEK1960
    MEK1960 Posts: 50 Member
    Are you going to a university? Can you walk to every class? I love Leslie Sansone, too. I do the 1, 2, or 3 mile depending on how many steps short I am of my 10,000. Can you do her 1 mile in the morning and then again in the evening? That's just 15 minutes X 2.
  • Areneholmes
    Areneholmes Posts: 46 Member
    Add me. I'm a student, too. 30, female, 185, 5'8". :) Maybe we can encourage each other.

    The weight that my counter says I lost was lost by adding some activity at the gym a few times a week and mostly replacing sodas with water, water with water enhancers (MIO), and diet green tea from publix. I also got a Nutribullet and started making smoothies for breakfast/lunch during the semester, and packing myself a yogurt, protein bar, low calorie snacks and mio to take to school with me. I stopped carrying my card to school so I wouldn't be tempted by the cafeteria.

    I have sciatica so I also opt for low impact exercises. Cycling is the best. I've been doing a local 6 mile trail that is level and shaded. I even enjoy spin classes or using a stationary bike on my own at the gym. :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Are you going to a university? Can you walk to every class? I love Leslie Sansone, too. I do the 1, 2, or 3 mile depending on how many steps short I am of my 10,000. Can you do her 1 mile in the morning and then again in the evening? That's just 15 minutes X 2.

    Yep! I was gonna say get a bicycle! A friend got hers used for $10, rode it everywhere! Walking will also give you lots of exercise. Can you get a fitbit, maybe it'll help motivate you with all the calories you're earning from your steps? Gadgets can also be had for cheap from people that have decided to sock drawer them :wink:

    For nutrition I would suggest pre logging your food and learning as many recipes as possible so you have delicious options. I also think 1200 is too low. You should be able to do 1 lb lost per week on a little over 1400 calories net so I would aim for at least this to start with. If you want to simplify things and not track exercise calories, you could always go a little higher and just eat a flat amount like 1600 or 1700 calories per day and adjust from there

    Read the sexy pants post if you have not already, and good luck!
  • Shannnabanana
    Shannnabanana Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much guys.

    I'm just going to a community college but the campus is pretty big. I would love to have a bicycle but right now we lives in super crappy fayetteville NC and the only place id be able to ride it is around my apartment complex. It's super dangerous here, so many car accidents Even in LA I never encountered so many awful drivers. Lol

    I don't drink soda so I guess I'm already ahead of the game in the respect. I just get really snacky in the evening and I start to crave cookies, ice cream, brownies etc... Maybe some low calorie yogurts or something would help satisfy my sweet tooth without ruining all my hard work.

    I think eating around 1600-1700 calories a day sounds good and then adding in 30-60 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. Maybe that will set me up to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week? I really don't have a set date id like to lose weight by, I just want to steadily be losing.

    Wi I have to lower my calories as I lose weight?
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Well for the snacky in the evening feeling try a snack pack of m&ms just one, tho the yogurts should work or you could set aside the calories for real ice cream and eat in way that leaves you room for some in the evenings. As for the calorie thing fiddle with the amount lossed and activity levels on the counter. Mines set to lightly active (its a compromise based on my work and what I'm going to school for) and 1.5 lbs a week leaves me at about 1500 but I'm really only aiming for about a 1 lb a week. Its just sometimes its slow at work and then you have those days where your eating an order of fries and cheese sticks while you work cause you've been there for 6 hrs things aren't slowing down and you've got 4 more hours to go so yeah. ^_^;; And no you shouldn't have any reason to lower your calories as you lose you'll platuea occasionally but the answer to that honestly is to up your calories eaten for a bit usually it seems.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Thanks so much guys.

    I'm just going to a community college but the campus is pretty big. I would love to have a bicycle but right now we lives in super crappy fayetteville NC and the only place id be able to ride it is around my apartment complex. It's super dangerous here, so many car accidents Even in LA I never encountered so many awful drivers. Lol

    I don't drink soda so I guess I'm already ahead of the game in the respect. I just get really snacky in the evening and I start to crave cookies, ice cream, brownies etc... Maybe some low calorie yogurts or something would help satisfy my sweet tooth without ruining all my hard work.

    I think eating around 1600-1700 calories a day sounds good and then adding in 30-60 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. Maybe that will set me up to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week? I really don't have a set date id like to lose weight by, I just want to steadily be losing.

    Wi I have to lower my calories as I lose weight?

    Especially if you plan on Incorporating physical activity, I think 1700 calories total if you can stick to it will give you plenty of room to lose weight steadily. I'm 149 and a few years older than you and my maintenance calories are 1750. You will eventually have to lower the calories but I don't think that time will be here for a while. You can always tweak around your starting/current weight in the tool and see what it says you should eat daily to get some idea how much of a deficit you'll be creating as the lbs come off

    Geez good luck getting some activity in safely! I've tried running outside a couple times and I won't even bother crossing any major intersections. Only problem is this limits my route somewhat, unless I'm willing to drive somewhere to run...

    As for snacks I have flour in the house and make single serving cake , brownies, etc when I get a craving. Just have to make the calories fit in my daily/weekly goal, and having ingredients rather than a box of donuts means (for me) that I don't go nuts and eat up the whole thing. It's all about moderation and what ever that might mean to you. Even when it comes to the soda - full disclosure, I do diet soda, coffee, and water enhancers
  • glc1990
    glc1990 Posts: 22
    I have sciatica (it comes and goes - high impact exercise can trigger it) as well as a metal plate and pins in my ankle so exercise is really difficult for me as well...

    The ankle issue can be quite dangerous for running as it is high impact - I am in agreement with you that you shouldn't do any of that.

    I love the cross trainer (elliptical??) as it is low impact on the ankle. Swimming is also great as you are not putting any impact anywhere and it is a good form of strengthening and toning however not the greatest form of cardio unless you go HAM! I have never tried lifting but I can imagine that this could be a good idea taking into consideration your injury.

    I would speak to a physiotherapist, if possible, to see what you can do. And don't force yourself if you feel like your ankle is starting to throb/swell/strain.

    Hope you can find something that works for you!
  • mollymcdonald0
    mollymcdonald0 Posts: 30 Member
    We have pretty close stats! i'll add you :)
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    snacky in the evening for sweets = get sugar/fat free jello pudding cups. they have ones that are like 60cal, i even used to spritz 2tbsp of reddi whip on top.

    what i would do is set your profile to lose only 1lb a week. that way you have more calories to play with. get away from calorie-laden drinks. i found minute maid makes a water enhancer that tastes yummy and it has like 5% real juice (i know it's probably not much better than mio, but it makes me feel better about it). i also make lipton tea & honey at home - it has honey and sucralose as a sweetener and full strength is only 5cal/8oz. i buy the pitcher size which makes 2 quarts and dilute it in 3 quarts of water (because i'm cheap mostly lol). i try to stay away from aspartame because it appears to trigger a reaction in me, flaring a chronic illness i have.

    the main goal is to be at a calorie deficit. if you like doing yoga or the other things at home, try to squeeze that in 4 times a week. and then add a bit of walking where you can. it sounds like you know you have issues eating (snacky foods particularly). i bet if you work on that at a calorie deficit, you'll start to lose weight.
  • scthomas100
    scthomas100 Posts: 31 Member
    An easy way to get a little more exercise in is to park as far away as you comfortably can from where your classes are and walk. Carrying books is like using weights when walking. I do this to help up my steps and get me moving a little bit more, especially when I know I'll be sitting in a four-hour class.
  • Dichotomy1976
    Dichotomy1976 Posts: 93 Member
    I finished university last year and am still working on losing the lbs I gained during my 4 years so good on you for avoiding the mistakes I made :) I also have a sweet tooth and the only advice I can give for this that has worked since January for me is to remove all sweets from where you live and don't buy any. After a few weeks you will start to not crave them any more, but this does take willpower to do. I'd also advise not rewarding yourself with food (be it for losing weight, good grades or whatever), instead reward yourself with something else you enjoy - it will help you get away from the association of food and feeling good.

    As for not being able to only eat 1200 calories a day, you don't have to, all you have to do is make sure your calories in are less than your calories out, use a calculator like this one to get a good idea of what you can eat:
    Obviously, the higher your calorie intake the longer it will take to lose the weight, but losing at any rate is better than gaining if you can sustain it. If you can do exercise do so whenever you can, if you can walk somewhere always do so in favour of using transport. If you're reading can you do so while on a cycle in the gym?

    Make sure you log all your food each day in MFP, even if it's a bad day and if it is don't beat yourself up over it, just move on to the next day and start fresh. If you haven't got any, get some kitchen scales and don't estimate the weights of what you eat, always weigh it (you may be surprised by what a portion size is). Hope I was some help and good luck with both your weight loss and your course :)
  • Shannnabanana
    Shannnabanana Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much for all the replies!

    I know i have to get into a calorie deficit, it's hard because i am an emotional eater and have slight binging tendencies (not huge binges but still too much food that i should be taking in at one time and its usually after i've already eat dinner)

    I got a fitbit to help track my daily steps so maybe that will help motivate me and educate me as to how much or little i really am moving throughout the day.

    Thank you for all the support! :flowerforyou: