Couch to 5k



  • My friend and I started it this morning. Week one, day one complete and feeling very accomplished because WE DID IT!!!!
    Can't wait to run in our first 5K.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    But be warned it will stop your weight loss for a bit because you will be building muscle.

    Nope, but there will be some water weight gain.

    Sorry - my mistake I have not gained any muscle, just holding water - thanks for clarifying.

    Anyway OP - in my example I stopped losing weight when I started running, but my clothes began to fit looser. Three cheers for holding water I guess...
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Anyway OP - in my example I stopped losing weight when I started running, but my clothes began to fit looser. Three cheers for holding water I guess...

    The plateau shouldn't last long, and as you say you'll see body shape changes fairly quickly as you shed fat. It's worth doing at least bodyweight training alongside the running as well.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I graduated from the program about a week ago and I am 49! Now I am on the 10k program, regularly running 8k without a problem! Love it!!!
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    My first foray into getting back into shape was with couch to 5K and I found everyone involved very supportive. I worded up to 2.5 minutes of jogging and 2.5 minutes of walking then completed my first 5K. A coach stayed by my side the whole 'race' to offer support which was very kind of her since I know she could have gone much faster . . .

    I live in a northern climate and unable to continue running in cold weather due to my wimpy lungs, but the program is awesome!
  • bidimus
    bidimus Posts: 95 Member
    I am a non runner and started this program. I did weeks 1 and 2 no problem at all, then i started week 3 and started t get really bad shin splints. Took a month off, in that month i biked like crazy and did strength building exercises and stretches for my shins. The pain went away completely and I went this week and after 2 days of week 3 my shins are hurting so bad i can hardly walk. its very frustrating bec physically I feel like I can do the program but its just my shins! I signed up for a 5K about a month and a half ago thinking I would be able to run it in the beginning of I am not so sure =/ anyone else experience issues with shin splints? If so how did you get past it??!!

    I had this problem too. The key is good form. Take take a took at Chi Running, Pose Running, Barefoot Running, or Natural Running. I found that my shin splints were directly tied to over-striding with a pronounced heel strike. Form is the one thing C25k doesn't bother to teach. I don't get shin splints at all any more unless I get sloppy. And when I do I can correct it and they go away before they're a problem. Read up and take it slow. You can do this. :)