diet and excercise on a buget



  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    My boyfriend does all his working out at the outdoor gym! Just take a look online at what is at a typical outdoor gym and the kind of exercises you should do on each piece just in case they don't have anything written.
  • reneb28
    reneb28 Posts: 13 Member or just search Fitnessblender on YouTube, is a great website! All free wonderful videos and advice! They anything from relaxing yoga stretches to hard core high intensity training, some videos require equipment but most dont. Paired with eating right and portion control, I have never felt better about myself! I highly recommend it. Coming from somebody who just came across their videos, on a budget so no money or time for the gym
  • beezyboop
    beezyboop Posts: 3
    This was all really encouraging to read.
    I live in an R.V. and spend my life traveling around Europe, so it is NOT an option for me to join a fitness club or get a regular jogging buddy. That leaves walking and biking. Reading all of this really encouraged me to keep at it!

    I find it hard to cook well on a budget, also.
    I feel like I consume a lot of fruits and vegetables; nevertheless, those instant ramen noodles do call to me...
    One of the best things, I have found about budget eating is: WATER. I never order drinks or buy drinks, except water and I lost 5 pounds (maybe more) with that diet change alone.
    Because I live on the road, I stop and use McDonald'S bathrooms A LOT. Frenchfries are the hardest temptation for me to overcome.