Breakfast time ....

Any advice on eating breakfast before or after morning 5k walk?

I feel like I should have something before I go, but if I don't go as soon as I get up I don't feel as focused to go.


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Meal timing doesn't matter. I don't even eat a meal in the morning. Eat whenever you're hungry.
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    mix up a quick protein shake. Your favorite protein (one scoop), with a bananna or other fruit (1/2-1 cup) and almond milk or mil (1 cup). blend and drink 1/2 before you go and the rest when you return.
  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    Baby Bel Light Cheese. One round is 50cal & 6g of Protein. Easy to eat and portable. That might not be enough for you but you could always add a couple slices of turkey.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    I often just eat an orange before I go for a morning jog. If I wait to eat breakfast, then I feel like I have to wait for some digestion or I get sick. And then I procrastinate and never go. But an orange is quick, easy, and healthy.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You should eat if you feel it will help with your energy level. Some people do just fine with working out in a fast state so it's about which way works best for you.
  • megareen325
    megareen325 Posts: 3 Member
    I am not a breakfast person at all, but I've found a couple that are relatively hassle free that still give you a little jump in the morning. Tomato slices with 1 or 2 boiled eggs (I like soft boiled) with a multigrain wassa cracker. It gives you a little protein, and a bit of carbs so you don't feel the need to chow down after a workout, but it's not heavy or loaded down like some breakfasts- and it only takes a few minutes to prep. If you don't want to waste time, you can always pre boil the eggs to keep them in the fridge, and grab them the next morning. I am also a fan of juicing- so I'll do a carrot-orange-ginger juice the night before so all I have to do is pull it out when I wake up-gives me a natural sugar bump that will get me going. The whole thing is about 300-400 calories.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I usually do some sort of fruit or a stick of cheese. If I eat anything heavy (like breakfast itself) I get sick or I end up walking because I hate throwing up. So usually it's a piece of fruit.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I do both. I get so hungry when I wake up and by the time my walk is done its time for my midmorning snack. just plan for it. your stomach doesn't have a clock. its all about how many calories you had in the day that counts.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It's pretty much up to you. I feel okay weight training and doing cardio up to about 2.5 miles (running) on an empty stomach. After that I start to need something. I usually eat a banana and a Kashi bar or a banana and chocolate milk (protein powder and milk) on those mornings.
  • bradlawryk
    Thanks all for the advice and the breakfast menu ideas. So, it is okay then to do my walk first then eat .... that is what I wanted to read as that is my personal preference.

    Much appreciated. Glad I joined this site.