Hi I'm an OBESE-A-TRON pleased to meet you!

Hello there, recently my company had a beach party. An entire day where people were running around in their bikinis, swimsuits and just looking adorable. This was a wake up call and a huge reminder that in LA life is different. You miss out on a lot if you are taking the part of the beached whale instead of participating in activities.

I've been in LA for 10 months, relocated from Seattle. I know that life is different in LA and I like it, but its not fun to be the chubbiest person in a room. I saw a photo of myself from this beach day and became physically ill.

If anyone has read Mindy Kaling's book I am what I would lovingly describe as an OBESE-A-Tron. Very sad, but very true.

I have the trip of a lifetime coming up in December-Iceland, Paris and London. I have realized that I can not continue in this way. It's a belated honeymoon because life, money, jobs and a move got in the way. And in that time weight crept up. I know that I will look at these photos for the rest of my life. I'm fully aware that I won't achieve my goal weight by this time but I need to look better or I'll be seriously upset and regret it for the rest of my life.

I need to make some very serious life changes or I'm afraid of what will happen. I cannot seriously fail at this again. My husband who has about 25 pounds to lose found MyFitnessPal and has been very motivated to track everything.

Anyone in LA hit me up. Need to take a completely new approach and make some very real permanent life changes. I have a huge daunting amount to lose but I'd love for this to be one of the big wins in my life.


  • Good luck you can do it! I am trying to lose 50 pounds before I go on a graduation cruise no way do I want to sit on the sidelines so I know how you feel! I requested you!
  • You're in :) Good luck! Let's do this!
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi there.
    I'm a bit 'born again' about the diet I'm on. I thought I'd share with you my story. I'm 55 and have had about 35 yrs of being 'on a diet'. Tried all the usual diets and slimming clubs and managed to put on 100lbs over that time. As you can see I've lost 38 of those, 27 of 'em in the last 2 mths. How? MFP and a 5:2/ADF combo.
    For me it's been a revelation. I now have a completely different relationship with food. It's a healthy one. I know it's early days but I do think I've made a lifestyle change.
    Hope this helps.