Is it lazy for my goal to be...

190 pounds? I am 5'7 and honestly should probably weigh about 160 but I truly think i would feel healthy and comfortable at 190...(which is only 28 pounds away. I know I should probably set my goal a little higher, but I think that 190 is good enough, and then I plan on maintaining... sometimes I do think that 190 is a bit high for me to be shooting for as my goal being a woman who is 5'7 and 26 years old. I do have a decent amount of muscle mass, and bone mass as well so idk. Be honest what do you all think?


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You are doing the right thing. Set your goal to something easily attainable and then adjust when you get there.
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Make it a mini goal. I am sure once you get nearer you will want to go further.

    Good luck x
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    My first goal was to reach 200, and I thought I'd be happy stopping there. When I reached it though, I felt like I could keep going, so I did.

    I think it's not unreasonable to get to your goal of 190 and then reassess how you feel. If you're happy there, then great! Congrats! If you think you can keep going, also great! As long as you feel healthy and happy, no one else can say a thing.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Take baby steps. Get to 190 and see how you feel. You may want to try to lose a little more or maybe not. You set your own goals and also consult with your doctor to see what they might think.
  • Kendra7107
    I think you should set your first goal with whatever makes you most comfortable. You can always decide later if you want to loss more weight.

    I like to set smaller goals because if I say "I need to lose 70 pounds, it sounds so overwhelming".

    With that said, I have always looked and felt great at 20 pounds heavier than my goal weight. In fact for ages I used to weigh 171 to 175 and when I told people they were shocked!! I should weight around 155. It is true that people wear weight a big different, as I am solid all over. I don't have skinny legs or arms and big hips, etc. Everything is the right proportion.

    If you are healthy and look and feel good, go with your goal!! :smile:
    Good luck!!
  • kathysherman
    I don't know about you, but I have to set obtainable goals, and 190 is obtainable. I am 5' 8" and all the literature says I should weigh between 120-160. But I set my first goal at just getting under 200 lbs. which I obtained, then I thought...."hey I can do this" so I set another goal at getting down to 190....I am slowing reaching that goal. More than likely when you get to 190 you will re-evaluate your situation. I have been down to 190 and I suppose I carry my weight well. But that was the point previously when everyone said, "You have lost enough" Goals have to be something you are comfortable with, and obtainable. I personally think 190 is good.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    Set your goal to what you think is achievable. So it that means 190 so be it. Once you hit 190 reevaluate see if this is where you really want to be at. If you’re happy with where you are at then great, but if not that’s when you set a new goal. This shouldn’t be about making other people happy; it’s about you being happy with where you are at.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I always wondered if I was alone in thought of this. I haven't reached my goal yet (far from it)--but I was wondering...what if I were satisfied at a certain weight, though I could lose more?

    :) I think whatever makes you happy & is healthy is fine.
    If you like how you look & don't think you should lose anymore...don't.

    Or, you could continue to lose from that point--but make it a slow loss, if that makes sense...perhaps focusing more on maintaining, gradually bringing down your caloric intake for the day or upping your exercise.~
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    I don't really understand why you are asking. Do what YOU find comfortable. Remember, this is your body, no one else's.

    If you will feel best with 190lbs, then aim for that; nobody has the right to tell you what you should and shouldn't be/do.

    Best of luck, whatever you decide :-)
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. My original goal was 130. I have been that weight after dieting very stringently and I loved myself. I was a size 6 and very comfortable in my skin. But, even then I knew I would be happier if I toned up and lost more weight. But I was just so sick of dieting at that time.... so I didn't and then I gained after I had my first child.

    Anyways... my original goal was 130... then I looked up and saw that the low weight I should be for my height, 5'3" was 115-130ish... so I decided to go with 115 so I can give myself a 10 pounds to fluctuate. I don't want to step on the scale at the doctors office after having had lunch, fully clothed with shoes on and be told I need to lose weight. So... I changed my goal from 130 to 115... it will be a long hard journey but ultimately I want to get to 115.

    Do what makes YOU comfortable. Re-evaluate when you get to 190 and see how you feel :)