New, and in need of some advice and motivation!

Hi Everyone. Here's the 411. I'm 28, 5'9 and normally hover about 140. Recently I stopped taking my Birth Control pills because it had been so long and I wanted my body to get back to normal. I gained a little weight over the course of the years on the BC pills, but since coming off my weight has gone crazy! I eat healthy, and tend to work out "when its convenient" I get into spurts of working out like crazy and then, BOOM lack of motivation and I just lay around. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to stay on track, and put that workout in before work, or after. Also any tips on how to watch my food intake while my significant other eats normal. I have already done meal preps for lunches and dinners, and I have cleaned out the house of things that I would be tempted to eat.
Any kind of help would be amazing. Thanks to you all, and I'm so happy to be on this health journey with you all.


  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Best thing is to have an accountability partner or 2. Then when you don't feel motivated they can help you. Only thing is make sure they don't become an excuse partner.
  • laurenk08
    laurenk08 Posts: 89 Member
    My advice would be to start slow and not to take any extreme measures right away! That might help you be able to stay on track and to continue to make good decisions :) Make daily, weekly, and monthly goals and track your progress, even the small things! That will help to keep the motivation flowing.
    Try working out just 2-3 days a week to start with, mark a calendar to track your progress. Work out the time of day that works best for you. I aim for the evenings after work, or if I know I will run out of time I wake up earlier for a morning workout.

    Also,Great work on the meal prep! That helps me a lot, I usually plan my meals out at least one day in advance! This helps to stay on track, not waste food, and stay within my calorie limits.
    My fiance also does not like all the healthy I make, but I continue to see him making healthier choices over the years, especially when I cook dinner and he has no other options. It just takes time :)
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    Personally, I find that working out in the morning is the better way to ensure I'm going to get it done and not be lazy about it later. My spouse and kids also eat somewhat normal in comparison to my high protein diet and I cook for everyone. I make my own food usually on the weekends and then maybe one or 2 nights a week and the rest of the nights I'm making dinner for them. I make large portions of at least 5 and portion them out as best I can with my containers then freeze things that are easy to freeze.

    As for motivation, I'd suggest definitely getting some personal support. I've found joining a challenge group is the best as there's activity and a large amount of people involved so you have more than one fail safe.

    Feel free to PM if I can be of any further help and good luck!
  • Whitney_B12
    Whitney_B12 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone so far. I made the decision to lose weight 4 years ago and did the original P90 routine about 4 days a week. I lost 12lbs my first month and didn't change my eating habits at all. I think mainly because working out in the morning made me have less of an appetite during the day. I was about 170lbs back then after I hit my highest weight ever. I was always sick and just so unhappy. I felt amazing after I lost the weight, and then I moved in with my boyfriend states away from my family and I was able to cook the food that I wanted to eat. I lost a total of 30lbs and felt incredible. I guess I'm just really upset with myself for letting that go over the past 4 years. I guess sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week really takes it out of you. But I refuse to let that be an excuse anymore. If I did it before when I was really heavy (for me) then I can do it now, while I'm still much smaller, and healthier.
    Thanks so much!
  • ashleeyynicolex
    ashleeyynicolex Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me :)