medical for insurance :(

I have to have a medical on Wed. I feel really down and worried about it. Im a healthy girl and work out and eat relatively well. Just feel so embarrassed and pre judged!! :( and my thin bf who smokes, eats loads of rubbish and never works out sailed through with no medical :( anyone had any experience of this? X


  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    So, basically, you're being sent for a medical exam because they think you're fat and so a more risky proposition? What garbage. I'm sorry you're being singled out for special treatment. And I hope your numbers look good, because it's really the only revenge in these situations.
  • debs2282
    debs2282 Posts: 5
    Thank you for saying that. Thats exactly what I need. I know my bmi is high but im honestly not a big fat slob and it really annoyed me. Thanks for just agreeing that yes its garbage!! Xx
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Thank you for saying that. Thats exactly what I need. I know my bmi is high but im honestly not a big fat slob and it really annoyed me. Thanks for just agreeing that yes its garbage!! Xx

    I hate how BMI gets used like a cudgel by doctors and insurance companies. Every year, I have to undergo a "fitness assessment" for my job. Every year--even last year, when I was down to 173 lbs.--they tell me I need to lose weight to avoid serious health risks. Except every year, my cholesterol, my blood sugar, my BP, everything, all my numbers are in the optimal range. Grr.