Fell off hard, need motivation!!!!

Hi all! I am currently 160lb and 5'5".. puts me slightly overweight. Last time I weighed this much was in 2009 and I was 9 months pregnant! I had trouble losing baby weight but got down to 125lb in 2011 and kept it off until I lost my aunt and mother within months of each other. On top of that, I put myself through nursing school. Well I graduated, passed the NCLEX, and am about to start working when I realized I look horrible! I have gone on and off diets (especially paleo because it works, but wow is it impossible to maintain!) and I've starved myself (talk about witch mode). I have decided enough is enough, time to eat clean and just exercise again.

I know I am not alone on this. It's not the actual getting up and doing it part that is hard, it's the mind games we play with ourselves. I have racked my brain on how I did this years ago, but I cannot remember what my motivation was! What was the thing that got you up to get healthy again?


  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I went through a similar cycle recently. Had gotten down to a decent weight (not my goal, but out of the horror zone), and then my dad died and BOOM! Back with the eating.

    Today, I just honestly remembered why I started all this. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of being enemies with my clothes. I'm tired of my feet hurting. And damn! Why shouldn't they when I'm making them carry all this weight around?
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'll motivate you....add me!
  • I know I may not be the best with those that have lost their motivation.

    I'm just a 22 year old crabby all the time overweight but doesn't look it woman.

    But picking yourself back up after a roller coaster of downward spirals can be as easy as swapping out that soda, eatting slower and eating less, telling yourself yes...I'm full.

    It can be seeing you mother and you (practically adopted best friends mother) getting back into shape.

    It can be simply putting you mind to it that you don't want to feel so tired anymore, You don't want to be shopping for Even bigger pants anymore, And it can be writing down where you stand and picking up that lost note to yourself 6 months down the road and seeing you subconscious will to do better has gotten you a small leap of 10-20 pounds shed.
  • mspeckma
    mspeckma Posts: 8 Member
    My best motivator is to find some foods I really like the taste of that are good for me. That way, when I need something to eat, I don't force myself to eat things I really hate. For lunch, I had a green salad with blueberries, raspberries, grilled chicken breast, avocado, and balsamic vinegar. It was so yummy, I didn't feel like I was dieting and I could eat a lot because most everything was low calorie (limit the chicken and avocado). The key was, I ate lunch for around 300 calories and didn't feel hungry till dinner. Use Pinterest for inspiration. Lots of healthy foods might also be foods you like.
  • mspeckma
    mspeckma Posts: 8 Member
    Also, I almost forgot my favorite tip. Drink lots of water. =) Try this time-marked water bottle. http://hydr-8.com/