Feaking out, how accurate is the weight loss predictor?

I'm on a 2-Lb a week weight loss journey. So far; I've lost 38 pounds. However, I'm becoming easily neurotic about my foods. Such as this. Today I slept in, and did not eat. Until earlier I had the bread of a sub, and lettuce, (No meat/Going Vegan), and a can of black beans. Now. I put this in the calculator / predictor and it said, I'd lose ten pounds in five weeks. How sure is it? Am I just being neurotic?


  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm on a 2-Lb a week weight loss journey. So far; I've lost 38 pounds. However, I'm becoming easily neurotic about my foods. Such as this. Today I slept in, and did not eat. Until earlier I had the bread of a sub, and lettuce, (No meat/Going Vegan), and a can of black beans. Now. I put this in the calculator / predictor and it said, I'd lose ten pounds in five weeks. How sure is it? Am I just being neurotic?
    Hi David;
    Relax.....deep breath....
    5 x 2 = 10 (as in # x 2 and weeks)

    If that's what you have it set to tell you, that's what it's going to tell you.

    I'm not exactly clear on what you are saying, and without the details, the best any of us can do is guess.
    In addition, not making your profile (and MFP data) "public" (accessible by us), really makes it tough.

    Regardless, even without seeing the numbers, I'd suggest that the 2#/wk target is too high (both not realistic, and likely not healthy).

    So start there....run the numbers for BMI, BMR, and TDEE (or if you are having problems getting started, post back with the basic info it's asking for (age, weight, height, "average" daily level of activity, goal weight, etc) and someone will be glad to help.

    Then....log EVERY single calorie in (food & drink), and body weight (daily, same time each day, naked).

    My advice (others will disagree) is that for now, don't worry about "exercise calories" (unless you are a marathon runner or ironman it's really not going to make a difference), and after you get comfortable with the data entry you can always add it in if you want.

    The data you collect daily matters (be accurate and religious) but the results don't mean a thing until you have at least of couple weeks worth entered so DO NOT go nuts about day to day weight fluctuations.

    Oh, and for future reference, just pretend that thing telling you "you will lose xx by xxx" doesn't exist - it's worthless (well, not worthless if you consider how many it's confused).

    Keep in mind that MFP is just a "tool" and only as accurate as the data "in", and, almost EVERY thing is a "guess" or and "estimate" so don't obsess with the details, it's all about AVERAGES and TRENDS.

    Some days will be up, some down, it's NORMAL, happens to everyone. Even after the first couple weeks there's almost nothing you can do today (not eat all day or pig out) that's going to effect the following day so if you go up a pound or two it's NOT your "fault" - shxx happens.

    Congrats on your progress to date, post back if you get stuck and RELAX!!!!!
  • DavidVWallace
    Thank you! You're a kick *kitten* person. That really helped.