what food do you miss the most?



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You can eat anything you miss and still lose weight, just eat it in much smaller portions.

    You beat me to this. I am slowly getting there. I still look at nutrients and I still try to keep that carb/pro/fat balance. But if I want some ice cream I will have ice cream - real ice cream. If I want a candy bar I will have a candy bar (like to keep a bag of the fun size around - much easier).

    I do stay away from donughts, muffins, big sweet breakfasts (like pancakes and french toast and such). But I was never really a sweet breakfast person.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    homemade bread with butter, french fries :( Carbs anyone? :P

    same here! don't forget my flamin cheetos, peanut butter (not the 2 tbsp that the serving size says, nice thick layers on 2 slices of bread!) several others i'm sure i'm forgeting. sigh!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I think it is potentially dangerous to dwell on foods you miss. It's better to work on being able to eat the foods you love in moderation. A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy relationship with food, and pining away for a food will just make you want it more.

    Believe me, I'm still a recovering food-obsessor!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    None. I don't deny myself the foods I enjoy because that just stresses me out and makes me miserable and then I want to go nuts with it later. If I get stupid one day, well... I spend the next couple of days being a little mroe mindful than usual and working out a little more. *shrugs*

    I'm not on a diet and I refuse to behave like I am. Calorie counting, working out, paying attention ... that's not dieting. That's being mindful & aware of what's going in and out of your body every day, which we should be anyway.
  • abreia71
    You can eat anything you miss and still lose weight, just eat it in much smaller portions.

    I totaly agree with you 100%!
    I don't miss anything because I don't "deprive" myself of anything that I want. I tend to crave chocolate like most women around "that time" and I have it, now I dont eat the whole box but I do have a piece and still stay within my calories and fat per day. With the exception of the weekends on those days I dont worry about counting calories at all but I do control myself, I think weight loss has alot to do with self control and portion size rather than depravation! LOL
  • HotMomma86
    Mac and cheese.... mmmmm
  • fixpc
    fixpc Posts: 21
    a big fat hamburger from cheeseburger cheeseburger I will not go near that but i will have a burger sometimes just a small one remember it is all about cal count.
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    I'd rather not tease myself with a little slither of something high fat because it wouldn't satisfy me and I'd just want more. I'd rather not have it at all or have a decent amount of it when I decide to allow myself a treat day. :smile:
  • monoxidechick
    Beer! I havent cut if off completely, but the days of sitting around drinking a 6 pack of microbrews are gone! And we have some awesome local breweries here in Montana that are missing my drunkeness!!

    There are many things that I didnt even think I really ate or cared about, but now they are all I want: fruit snacks, suckers, peanut butter cups, and ice cream.
  • MomsDaily140
    I think it is potentially dangerous to dwell on foods you miss. It's better to work on being able to eat the foods you love in moderation. A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy relationship with food, and pining away for a food will just make you want it more.

    Believe me, I'm still a recovering food-obsessor!

    LOVE IT and I completely agree, you have to learn to live with food, it's all around us.... Most functions we attend, revolve around food, you have to learn how to deal with your food issues and every thing in moderation.
  • MomsDaily140
    Beer! I havent cut if off completely, but the days of sitting around drinking a 6 pack of microbrews are gone! And we have some awesome local breweries here in Montana that are missing my drunkeness!!

    I still have my beer but only Saturday and I don't drink as much of it as I used to. I have found imports and usually the darker the better, although high in calories are more flavorful and I don't drink as much. We made our own batch,... two weeks ago... an extra stout... only one more week and we can test drive it. :) If it's bad, I guess we have great steak marinade.... LOL
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Chips and salsa :cry: Saturday's ritual used to be a HUGE one pound bag of tortilla chips, good jar of salsa (or homemade), a six pack of beer, and the Sunday funnies (we have a "weekend" newspaper). These days it's a handful of broken up corn thins (think really thin rice cakes made with corn), salsa, and an ultra light beer or two.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I miss the carefree way I used to eat but not as much as I love not hating my body...I have found that I actually enjoy those forbidden foods more because I either consciously choose to eat them and make the decision to have an over day...ie the next time hubby and I can eat dinner with no kids in tow I want Poncho Pistoles and I don't give a crap how many fat/calories etc are in my meal...but we have 4 young kids so that doesn't happen often...or I will eat a reeses peanut butter cup when I know it fits in my day...but I will not allow anyone to speak to me or distract me from savoring the peanut buttery goodness....yumm
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    One word: BEER

    HAHA, yup...can't do beer anymore like before....I'd kill a 12 pack on one party night! thats like a day and a half worth of meals! Now I drink Vodka-water-lime whenever I party or club
  • alyssa83202
    I miss getting the chicken and bacon ranch sub from subway! and I also miss the frisco melts with bacon and cheese fries from Steak n shake! It's not that I won't ever eat them again, but I used to get them every time I'd eat at either restaurant but now I try find healthier options.
  • lildee4567
    Pizza, pizza and more pizza