Hello, my name is Saralyn. (>‿◠)✌

Hello, my name is Saralyn. I'm fairly new to MFP. I'd like to be able to make more friends on here. I've always been one of the bigger kids growing up. I had lost 39lbs a few years back (from the start of 255lbs) getting down to 216lbs and gained 81lbs back. My heaviest was 297lbs at the end of June this year. So far I have lost 11lbs making me 286lbs currently. I'm 5'5.

Unfortunately, I've been trying to do most of my exercising in my chair since I have a bad left knee and plan on having it checked out soon. I get severe pain in it and sometimes when I'm walking or standing it just buckles and gives out on me. I also plan to be tested for diabetes, because I've been having problems with blood sugar dropping more often over this last year. I'm too young to be this broken. I'm hoping with my new life style I will be able to prevent any further damage to myself. (I've been a binge eater almost all my life.)

More "personal" things about me: I'm in cosmetology school right now and have a year to go. I love video games such as Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Zelda, Dead Space, and Grand Theft Auto. I go crazy over anything with zombies. I love anime as well. I'd be lost without all my pets. I have seven dogs, five cats, three turtles, and thirteen goldfish.

• Get to 240lbs by December 31st
• Get to 175lbs August 2015
• Wear a swimsuit 2015 and go to the water park
• Gain confidence ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ


  • RamyunChi
    RamyunChi Posts: 9
    OMG HI! I love GTA. Haven't played gta 5 yet, but I really want to. lol I also have quite a bit of animals! I want to set some goals, but I want to make them realistic cause I have a habit of thinking I can lose 10lbs a week (not really but you now what I mean). I would love to have a buddy like you! You seem awesome! I'm Desi btw, nice to meet you!
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you'd like, I'm pretty much a horror/zombie freak lol.

    Good luck to you on your journey, remember to be kind to yourself along the way. One step at a time!
  • MissElectricEyeliner
    MissElectricEyeliner Posts: 122 Member
    Nice to meet you guys. :D
  • cdilbeck95
    I'd be happy to add you! I love Silent Hill! (along with the res of the games) I have a tattoo of the Halo of the Sun on the back of my calf. :)

    Good luck in your weight loss!
  • wstrnboots
    Hi Saralyn,

    I am Ariana and I am pretty new here too. We have a lot in common and are doing this for the same reasons - though I am probably a lot older than you are :-)

    Please feel free to add me!