Growing out dark hair....

tahinilove Posts: 72 Member
Really random myfitnesspal topic but hey. I was wondering if any blondes have grown out dark hair before? I'm very dark brunette at the moment and I want to go back to blonde, however every time I try I cringe at the roots!


  • gimpy117
    gimpy117 Posts: 75 Member
    guy here....why not dye it blonde for now?
  • tahinilove
    tahinilove Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the reply - basically I don't want to cause anymore damage to my hair, and my hairdresser is skeptical of doing it too!
  • gimpy117
    gimpy117 Posts: 75 Member
    ahh, well I guess you might have to bite the bulet on this one then, if it's better for your hair....