18, Female, Ireland

Hi guys, I am fairly new to this community. I have been a member of MyFitnessPal for a year or two and thought I could lose weight on my own. I now realise it's not so easy to do it alone. I'm looking for friends that will motivate and inspire me to do better and hopefully I can do the same for you! :)
Add me! :)


  • lowerhogan
    lowerhogan Posts: 47 Member
    How ya gettin' on..

    New enough to the app and first time actually seeing the website. 31 yr old lad from dublin. Just looking to monitor or restrict the amount of junk i inhale and hopefully maybe lose some weight along the way !

    Best of luck, i added you

  • deegrimes95
    deegrimes95 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey guys,
    Im also in Ireland and just started with my fitnesspal 8 days ago, badly need to lose some weight! What exercises have ye been doing? I have gone back to my old favorite running which i had to stop for a few years because of a knee injury/busy life etc etc! that was how i piled on the pounds again but i am determined to drop them, I am trying out the paleo diet too as I saw a lot of recommendations online.
    anyway, good luck to you both! can I add ye as friends?
  • karentalty
    karentalty Posts: 52 Member

    I am an Irish abroad ( London)! I have been using this religiously for a few months so feel free to add me-I log everyday and have an open diary!
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm Irish as well, living in Dublin. Been using this now 130 days. Diary is open so feel free to add me as I'm looking for more Irish people to become "friends" with on this site.
  • Noodleworm1
    I'm 23, and Irish too. Living in Dublin.
    I just recently started trying to be aware of my intake as Ive stared working full time and my regular pants size started to feel a bit tight.
  • Tigg_
    Tigg_ Posts: 43 Member
    Hey I'm 24 from the UK. Will send you a friend request x
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Dia Duit! I am living in Galway (originally from uk). Have been on here about 6 weeks and so far, so good! Feel free to add me as a friend- we can try to keep Team Ireland fit and fab.