looking for breakfast ideas



  • Erius
    Erius Posts: 23
    You could try Weight Watcher Smart Ones. They have a couple of choices for breakfast. I also enjoy the Kraft Bagel-Fuls. They are under 200 calories but fill you up enough until your snack.
  • Buy yogurt packs at walmart. Great value has 4 packs of any flavor you can think of for only $1.50((6 oz. pack = 80 calories))
    Then grab a thing a bananas. (45 cents a pound usually comes out to about $1.50ish))
    And if you need something more heavy also get the tuna packs at walmart ((Great Value = 78 cents and 160 calories but very filling))

    Every morning grab one of each and out the door you go. I am a mother of two and I know what it is like only having 5 minutes at the most to get what you need done before work.

    ((FYI: make sure to have a box of plastic spoons and forks under your seat in you car if your mind is anything like mine you will at least forget to get a spoon two out of the five workdays lol!))
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    I love the Jimmy Dean egg white & turkey muffin, couple minutes and good to go. Yeah, some people say microwave is a 'no no', but when you're short on time and want something yummy, filling, decent, and quick...it's great! I also have an omelette that I make, very quick and easy, takes about 5 minutes to make, a little longer to eat, but low cal, healthy, filling, and yummy!

    I use 3 Tbs egg whites (liquid, in the carton), 1/4 c. turkey sausage (precooked the day before), 1/4 c. spinach, 1/4 c. cheese, then top it off with more spinach (warmed in the same pan then placed on top). I also top it off with homemade Pico de Gallo, it takes more time to prepare, but it usually lasts me a couple of weeks. I find if I prepare foods in advance, it makes planning out and cooking my meals a LOT less time consuming!

    I've also recently been using the oatmeal packets (any flavor) and add almond milk, craisins (dried cranberries), and almond slices. Very quick, yummy, and filling! I have a ton I could list, but instead of listing, you're welcome to view my diary for more ideas. Some of my snacks would make good, quick breakfasts too. Good luck! :)
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    OMG, I love Malto Meal. I always forget I have it in my pantry. Time to put it up front by my Kashi Go Lean cereal, which happens to be my quick go to, in the morning. Sometimes I use yogurt instead of milk in my cereal.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Bump is just to keep it on your list so you can follow it.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I just posted a yummy french toast recipe on my blog and I also have one other breakfast food review. I'm new to the blog thing so I only have a few posts. But that was the best french toast I have eaten in a long time. I will also be posting more recipes for each day. :) Hope that helps some. :)http://www.imnochef.blogspot.com
  • I posted like three mug omlette recipes. I also love to have a protein shake sometimes in the morning. or a yogurt with berries and almonds
  • FeistyKitty808
    FeistyKitty808 Posts: 53 Member
    What does this mean?
    Bump is a way to mark a thread to go back to it later. If you read something that looks interesting and you want to be able to go back and find it easier you simple reply with bump. This way you can look back at your posting and find the thread again. Bump is a thread marker, hope this makes sense and answers your question.
  • I do the Quakers Oats Weight Management Banana Bread oOatmeal. I use 2% milk and throw it in the microwave. Its delicious and so easy!!!! Sometimes I'll cut up a banana in it as well. Also, peanut butter on a slice of toast or a bagel thin is a good option too!
  • scramble 2 egg whites, split in to 2 lettuce leaves, top with 1 teaspoon of salsa, 1 teaspoon plain non fat greek yogurt on each wrap.. roll and eat. super easy and yummy. I am a mom of a 16month and I also need fast and easy. Oatmeal with slivered almonds , blueberries, and fat free milk or almond milk is also a good choice. You can use a little honey or your choice of sweetener if you like. Almond milk is sweet so if you use that you might not need anything else
  • MadisonLeavens
    MadisonLeavens Posts: 31 Member
    You can make your own breakfast sancwiches using egg substitute, light cheese, sandwich thins, soy sausages, etc etc etc ... cook them up one evening, wrap 'em up and stick them in the freezer. Then grab-n-go.
  • I do the Quakers Oats Weight Management Banana Bread oOatmeal. I use 2% milk and throw it in the microwave. Its delicious and so easy!!!! Sometimes I'll cut up a banana in it as well. Also, peanut butter on a slice of toast or a bagel thin is a good option too!

    Weight management oatmeal has more cal, carb, and fat than the regular banana bread oatmeal. the only good extra is the fiber u get
  • Determinedchica
    Determinedchica Posts: 17 Member
    Try planning what you will have the night before. You could package up grapes/ slice up an orange the night before and put it in a sandwich bag or container for convenience. I find that Egg Beaters is a great way to replace scrambled eggs . If you have never tried them - I promise they don't taste much different... one trick I use is to add a dash of cumin it really can add a lot of flavor! Plus, you can pour it right from the carton right into the pan. No cracking eggs, adding milk, creating extra dishes. It cooks in literally about 2-3 min spray your pan with non-stick cooking spray cook over medium high heat. From there you could make a sandwich out of it with a whole wheat toasted English muffin,or bread and fat free or reduced fat sliced cheese so you can take it on the go if you are really running low on time!
    Another idea is to have a low-fat yogurt in the morning and and a little special k granola have it with your favorite piece of fruit makes for another great breakfast.
    Or try slim-fast and a piece of fruit go with the canned chocolate - I find the vanilla to be gross but,- that's just me. I would do it maybe just a few times a week - if you do slim-fast every single day you may grow tired of it! The last thing you want to do is burn yourself out by doing the same thing every day right?!?

    If you eat dry cereal in the morning you can save a lot of time by measuring your portion out the night before -then you just have to worry about adding the milk.
    Good luck! Hope this helps!!
    P.S. another trick for staying full is to add the clear fiber powder to your morning coffee or drink.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I hate plain oatmeal, and I get tired of eating it the same way all the time, so I put 1/3 of a cup of Quaker old fashined oats in a big bowl, add 2/3 cup water, 1/2 serving of fruit(peaches, apples, bananas, or berries), add 1/4 tsp of cinamon, 2 packets of splenda, or whatever you want for taste. Microwave for 3 minutes, add some walnuts, or almonds, and If I want it really good, I'll add 2tbsp of fat free cool whip.,

    Other Ideas are make some healthy waffles, or pancakes, and freeze them. Then put them in the toaster, or microwave, and add some sugar free syrup or fruit.
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    i just got Van's Lite Waffles. They are 6g of fiber for two. I spread on Nutella or any other nut butter I feel like to make a sandwich. I also eat a piece fruit I can eat in the car like an apple ot banana. If I'm still hungry I have a cup of low fat milk, usually almond milk.
  • MadisonLeavens
    MadisonLeavens Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you!! both to the lovely lady that asked the question that I've been wanting to ask, but didn't have the courage for fear of looking stupid, and to the wise one that answered the question. Now I know that 1) I wasn't the only one that didn't know what "bump" means so I'm not stupid and 2)I know what it means.

  • im the same way i also need ideas
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    I always try to have a container of my favorite cooked vegetables because they can fill out so many meals. I cook up a big batch every few days and then just reheat.

    I heat the pre-cooked vegetables in the microwave while I cook the eggs... onions and peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes, even zucchini, shredded carrots. Two eggs and a little cheese and lots of veggies. Just over 200 calories. You can add a piece of fruit or toast if you want and take it closer to 300 calories. I find a heartier breakfast of 300 -350 calories keeps me going and less likely to want to snack.

    The other thing I like is a breakfast burrito... same idea egg (1 or 2), cheese or meat, veggies, and fresh tomatoes and lettuce. I just top it with Salsa and some fat free sour cream. It's another breakfast that is hearty and I can keep around 300 calories.
  • I do the Quakers Oats Weight Management Banana Bread oOatmeal. I use 2% milk and throw it in the microwave. Its delicious and so easy!!!! Sometimes I'll cut up a banana in it as well. Also, peanut butter on a slice of toast or a bagel thin is a good option too!

    Weight management oatmeal has more cal, carb, and fat than the regular banana bread oatmeal. the only good extra is the fiber u get

    I didn't see it having more calories? Maybe because the only one I have seen on the shelf is the weight management. I do it for the less amount of sugar in it.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, microwaved. I'll add ground flax seed, wheat germ, protein powder, brown sugar, or fruit to suit my taste.

    Another quick and easy idea is to make a fried egg white (I dump the yolk, but you can fry it up too if you want) and put it on a whole wheat english muffin with a thin slice of cheese. It's a little bit of a healthier take on an egg mcmuffin.

    Yogurt is a good choice too, and if you have a magic bullet then you can toss in a yogurt, banana, frozen berries, dash of milk and scoop of protein and you have a quick protein shake. I love doing this, but it's really only quick and easy if you have a Magic Bullet otherwise a regular blender would be a hassle.

    Cereal can be a fairly low calorie idea, but it never fills me up enough. Special K is pretty low calorie, but I usually eat something with more fiber like Raisin Bran.
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