Cheat day turned into cheap 4 days

dainj Posts: 25 Member
So since April I have been really good with my diet and gym. For some reason (well I know the reason, it would have been a one year anniversary with my ex last weekend but he broke up with me in March) I stared to eat. I know I am an emotional eater and I was feeling a little sad about how things turned out. I had a couple of days off from the gym and just felt tired and hungry!

Some people say to listen to your body and after a few months of being good I just needed a few days. Is this something I should feel really bad about? I am still going to the gym and feeling better now. I just want to know if anyone else sometimes goes off the plan for a few days...


  • erobinson2014
    erobinson2014 Posts: 19 Member
    most definitely! I would say that it is a very normal thing. Life goes on and so does your diet/lifestyle change.. You have been good for so long and I am sure a few days of "cheating" is not going to ruin your progress. The big things is when you do fall off, get back up and jump back on
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Just happened to me back in June! Except I went off for about a month! Don't feel bad about it otherwise you will just perpetuate the vicious cycle. Just take your time and get back on top of it!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It never makes sense to feel bad about eating. What I think is most useful is to think about how it makes you feel and learn from it. In general, I find that eating a little of whatever I want makes me feel great. Eating a lot of it makes me feel bloated and lousy. So I eat what I want, but less. It keeps me away from cheat days - I don't do them. But it does let me eat good things because I want them, rather than eating just to eat. Or eating to distract me from emotional pain.

    Today you'll eat better.

    As a positive step, I'd think in a serious way about finding another way to deal with feeling depressed than eating. Drawing? Playing the banjo? Exercising? Going for a walk? Long term that's your best strategy - weight loss or not.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    it happens. dont beat yourself up, just keep moving forward, its not like you undid all those weeks of hard work in 4 days. try not to let things like emotions effect your eating habits, its tough but its a bad habit to get into
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I think its really common

    Let it go will be happier in a week if you stop. Start now ...dont be deterred :-)
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks guys! I have found working out really helps me, was just tired by it all. Great advice everyone...
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Agree with the above posters. Stop moralizing your food choices. I just took the month of June off as well, spent July recovering, and am now back in it and kicking *kitten*.

    Sometimes you just need a break.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I agree with maybe finding something to do when you're feeling a bit under the weather, which doesn't involve eating/drinking in such a way you feel "bad" afterwards. I really like going for a walk - there's something about being in nature which makes me feel that life goes on regardless of how I feel, and I find that comforting. Other times, maybe I'll make myself a cup of tea with my fancy expensive tea roses DH brought me back from China, and actually sit down and enjoy it rather than rushing around like I normally do. Or I'll go online and buy myself a new book at Amazon (trying not to buy cookbooks at those moments, but it's a tough one).

    After you've practiced not moralizing about food (great choice of words above BTW), it does become easier, but for me it took conscious practice to get to that stage.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Don't beat yourself up I say - We have all done it!!

    Its done move on......... Just keep your mind busy!!!

    Meet up with girlfriends, go to see a film at the cinema, walks, over to the gym, garden centres, read books/magazines, go for a nice drive with a good cd you like

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!