Recommendations on Activity Trackers?

Hello - I am interested in upgrading my hip pedometer, but am more confused after reading articles on the various devices - Jawbone, Fitbit & the Nike Fuel Band. Any suggestions? What has worked for you? Thanks!


  • jessicaraemoore
    Following this... I just signed on to ask the same :)
  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    Check out dc rainmaker. He does a lot of thorough reviews.

    I personally have fitbit flex, but am now considering Garmin vivofit.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    I have the fit bit one and I am very happy with it. I have been using it since January 2014. I decided on the fit bit one after a lot of research. It seemed to consistently get the highest rating. I gotmine on ebay for around $73.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    I bought a fitbit one in may, and am very happy with it. It's very accurate and discreet. It's functionality with MFP really sold me on it.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 that I wear during workouts.

    Otherwise, I wear a SportLine pedometer throughout each day. I bought it at ****'s for $40.
  • Inspired30
    Inspired30 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all the info! This is very helpful :smile:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was in the process of deciding the same thing...

    I did some research and have decided to go with the Jawbone UP.

    For a few reasons.

    The look of it. I found the fitbit looks cheap, reminded me of a swatch watch that I had as a kid...
    Fitbit doesn't sync with my phone and I am not buying a new phone just for that
    Fitbit is known to be inaccurate for steps etc.
    I believe I read somewhere that JawBone was just bought out by bodymedia and they have a good rep
    Fitbit also apparently has a tendancy to "fall off" your wrist if you don't fasten it just right...

    There are other reasons but I am going with the jawbone
  • KezShiels
    KezShiels Posts: 6
    I have a polar loop because I wanted one I could hook up to a heart rate monitor, I did allot of research before I bought it it's definitely not the best on the market but my main focus was the heart rate monitor with the activity tracking being an after thought if my main focus was an activity tracker I would have gone with the jawbone
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    I wanted to track steps and sleep, so went with a Fitbit One. I've had it for a month, and I like how it clips on my pants or bra. I chose not to go with a bracelet style, as I was concerned I would get tired of seeing the same thing on my wrist day after day.
  • cinnamon009
    cinnamon009 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a fitbit flex. I love it. I was torn between that and the Jawbone UP24 but from what I could see I was paying another £30 for the Jawbone UP24 for not much more features. I didn't want anything too fancy and the flex seemed to fit what I wanted it for:

    1. It syncs with my Android phone - the app is actually really easy to use. It syncs with my Ipad and I can go on the computer version too. I check my stats constantly. Its addictive.
    2. Its charge lasts about a week. I recharge it once a week whilst I'm sat at my desk.
    3. It syncs with MFP
    4. It isn't that gorgeous looking but you can buy different colour bands - I now have four different colour bands so I can interchange between them. I'm also buying a spare black one which I'm going to bling up for when I wear it when out in the evening.

    I also looked at the Fitbit one which clips onto things but I was worried I would keep forgetting to put it on every day. I put my fitbit on and apart from changing the strap occasionally never take it off. Its waterproof so I can wear it in the shower. I was worried about the strap coming undone after reading the reviews and so far (touch wood) have not had any problems. It hasn't come undone once. Not even in bed after a restless night.

    I had narrowed it down to fitbit or Jawbone but there are lots out there so it depends on the activity you want to use it for. Eg the fitbit flex does not have an altimeter so doesn't give me credit for climbing stairs. But I don't climb that many so its not a big deal for me.

    Also I wore if at first with a normal pedometer and the steps were completely accurate so I'm not sure where the info that it isn't accurate on steps came from?

    I already have a heart rate monitor which I use for cardio activity so I didn't need a HRM. I needed something that would get me moving a bit more every day. And it has absolutely done that. It has also made me more conscious about my sleep patterns so I go to bed on time more often.
  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    Another vote for the Polar loop. It used to be the only tracker you could use with a heart rate monitor chest strap. Until the Vivofit came out. I like the vivofit however it isnt back lit so puttting it to sleep mode or sync mode was a bit tricky in the dark.

    I use the loop for running and also HIIT workouts and with a quick glance I can see my heart rate, along with steps an calories for the day
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    I have a Fitbit Flex and my husband has a Jawbone UP. Here is what we've found (we've had them about a year):

    Flex: Good app, even better website. Won't work with all phones (for syncing), I use an iPhone so it is fine. Bluetooth syncing to the phone. I have found the step counter to be quite accurate (I've compared it to the Jawbone, my Garmin Forerunner, and my phone's GPS). Fitbit just released a firmware upgrade that will track your walks/runs using your phone's GPS, which is pretty cool. Weekly update emails summarizing your most and least active days, number of steps, total distance. If you pay extra for an account, apparently there is more (comparisons to other people in your age group or of your gender, that sort of thing) but I don't pay so can't provide much detail. I have never had a problem with the band falling off. The biggest problem I've had is that the actual device inside the band, which has to be charged in a cradle, won't remain seated correctly in the cradle and therefore can become unreliable for charging. I have "fixed" this by using a clamp to hold the fitbit in the cradle correctly, but I admit it irks me to no end to have my $100 activity tracker being held in its charging cradle by a $0.10 stationary clip. You put it to sleep when you are ready for bed and it notes your inactive and active times (inactive is listed as sleep, active is listed as "restless", if you actually get up and move around, it assumes you are awake).

    Jawbone: Good app, website has same functionality as app. Very good with Android. Has to plug into the phone to sync (no bluetooth). Hubby lost the first cap (for the plug on the Jawbone) and had to order another one (they used to be free but aren't any more). Step counter seems pretty accurate when compared to Fitbit and Garmin and phone GPS. No GPS tracking available. Provides some neat comparisons (how much activity you get compared to other people of your gender, age group, etc.) and sends out emails (if you want them) with interesting recipes that have been kind of fun to try. As the band sort of "wraps" around your wrist (with the ends not attached), it sometimes gets caught in sleeves and such, but hasn't been a real problem. You put it to sleep when you are ready for bed and it notes inactive, slightly active and active times and tries to make a distinction between "deep sleep" and REM sleep. Not sure of the accuracy but very interesting.

    We wouldn't say either is "better" than the other. They are slightly different but we are both happy with the ones we have. I like the fact that I can check how many steps (roughly) I've done in a day without syncing to my phone (you tap the wrist band twice and it flashes little LED indicators, the Jawbone would have to be plugged into the phone to give this information). Neither one of us would give up our trackers except for a tracker with significantly increased functionality (basically a smart watch or a proper sport watch with phone sync capabilities).
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have both Fitbit Flex and Garmin Vivofit. Flex is collecting dust in the drawer now - wearing Vivofit full time. Vivofit also has to option of using a heart rate monitor strap during aerobic workouts for better accuracy. Any ANT+ strap will work, doesn't need to be the Garmin strap.