My Experience with Advocare's 24 Day Challenge

I've seen a lot of posts where people are asking about how legit Advocare's 24 Day Challenge really is. I've been trying to find a reason to post in the forum, thinking it might help me stay motivated in my own journey. I decided to give it a shot after seeing a friend's success with it. I've struggled the last couple of years after originally having really great success and am hoping this will give me the kick in the butt I need to be motivated again.

Before I get into my experience, I do not work for Advocare, I don't know anyone who does, and I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm just hoping this post will help someone else with their decision.

I purchased the $217 (with shipping) dollar basic 24 Day Challenge package. Here are the contents of my package...

1 bottle of 90 OmegaPlex Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dietary Supplement
28 Packets of fruit punch Spark energy supplement
14 Vanilla Meal Replacement shakes
14 MNSMax3 Daily Strip Packs
And the Peaches and Cream Herbal Cleanse pack

I started yesterday 7/27/14. I've laid out my day, as far as eating and the program goes below.

1. I drank the Spark mix as soon as i woke up. It tasted pretty good, I would definitely have no problem drinking this on a regular basis. I felt as though it kept me alert and made me feel pretty upbeat.

2. About 30mins later I drank the Peaches and Cream Fiber drink. I wasn't a big fan of the taste, but it wasn't horrible. I could drink it if I needed to, but it wasn't great. For breakfast I hate one scrambled egg, about a half serving of oatmeal (I'm not going to be able to do oatmeal with no sugar), and a cup of watermelon.

3. For my snack I had an apple.

4. For lunch I had 1 98% fat free hot dog, 2 slices of whole grain bread, and some steamed broccoli.

5. Around this snack I really got very hungry. I think I clearly didn't eat as much as I should of up until this point and I really was struggling. I stopped at McDonald's and ate two packs of their apples, which i think amounts to about half a real apple.

6. I did a little research and realized I was under eating throughout the day and educated myself a bit better at this point. I ate 5oz of grilled chicken breast, steamed squash and onions, and about 1/2 cup of brown rice.

7. For my last snack I finished up with some watermelon.

8. I took the Omega Plex at night, but did forget to take the Herbal Clense pills, which I will be taking tonight.

At the end of the day I was kind of on the fence. I made it through and felt like I did pretty okay. Drinking 161oz of water was a bit tough but made it work. My start weight was 322.3. I woke up and weighed in and was down to 316.7. So I'd say the first day was pretty good. I don't expect that to happen daily, but it was a nice way to get started.

My goal for 7/28/14 was to find out how to eat enough to not be hungry, and to eat more veggies.


  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    I have done the Advocare Challenge (well, sort of). I really liked it. I am not selling it and I don't know anyone who is either (just to be clear). I was doing well on it after 15 days in. Then we had a very stressful family event and I just lost my concentration. I thought it was a great thing for the days I was on it. I loved the Spark drink and I had energy and really didn't feel hungry during my experience with it. I didn't follow up with it as I felt that I messed up by skipping so many days. I didn't want to spend anymore money to continue.

    I think it is a good way to lose and I wish you luck with it. I think you will be successful. I know I would have been if things would have been less stressful for me.
  • dbsscott1
    dbsscott1 Posts: 6
    I am starting the 24 Day Challenge with advocare. I should be getting my supplements on Wednseday and starting the challenge on Thursday. The first ten days are a detox/cleanse, and it also comes with a food portioning plan. I know a few people that are about half way through the challenge and have shed a few inches, the common theme seems to be they can finally see their abs lol. I really hope thats the case with me...chocolate chip cookies are my love(ENEMY).
  • dbsscott1
    dbsscott1 Posts: 6
    In response to Jbarker66: A big issue I've had in the past is eating way too much and stretching my stomache. So when I did decide to do many diets in the past I always stopped in a few days cause I was so dang hungry. I've found in the last year or so and this is without any kind of diet at all or attempt to lose weight, that if you just try and stick with those smaller portions it really works. What I did was put how much I would usually eat on a plate, then take some of it off. After a few days of that, take off a little more. Slowly your stomache will stop needing so much to be full. My fat butt used to eat 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry at old McDonalds. Now just from doing that, I get a double and can't even begin to eat the fry. Its just a tip, it worked for me but everyones different.
  • jbarker66
    jbarker66 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the tip. I did a lot better on day two with managing hunger for sure, and so far on day three. I'm going to write up day two here in a minute.
  • jbarker66
    jbarker66 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the well wishes!
  • jbarker66
    jbarker66 Posts: 5
    Day Two.

    So today my big goal was to eat in a more satisfying way to avoid the hunger pitfall it hit before, but to still meet the goals of the program. I noticed that I had missed the herbal cleanse supplement on day one for the evening, so I made sure to take it on day two. Otherwise there was no difference in my supplement routine from day one. As far as day two here is what I ate.

    Waking up:

    Fiber Drink
    3 Hard Boiled Egg Whites only
    1 Whole Grain, High Fiber English Muffin (I looked for the ones with the lowest carbs and fat content, and highest fiber)
    - I used a small bit of Parkay Butter Spray on this. Make sure you get the zero calorie, zero fat, etc version
    1 Banana
    Not a bad breakfast. I felt pretty good and wasn't even really that hungry at my snack time but went ahead and ate any way.

    1 Apple

    Chicken Breast - 5oz
    2/3 cup of Brown Rice
    1/2 cup of Steamed Veggies

    This was all kind of mixed together. I added a few drops of Frank's Red Hot to spice it up a bit, and a little bit of jalapenos to change it up from dinner. I was a little hungry at lunch, but not bad. I could have pushed it off for an hour or two with no trouble if I needed to. Adding the spice was a nice touch, and this meal was pretty filling. I noticed Frank's was used in a few recipes I found online, so I figured a few drops wouldn't hurt, but I only used as much as I needed to get some flavor so as not to add too much sodium to my meal.


    I wasn't too hungry at this point either.

    Chicken Breast 5oz
    2/3 to 3/4 of a Baked Potato
    Birdseye Pepper Stir Fry

    I was a bit hungry by this point as my dinner was way later than it should have been. I continued the trend of using a bit of Frank's Red Hot on my chicken. I also used the Parkay on the potato.



    This morning I woke up and was down another 2.7lbs I think for a total of 8.4 in two days. I felt much, much better the second day, and feel like I did a better job managing my hunger. The Frank's Red Hot helped me, as I'm definitely a salt junkie so having no seasoning on my food was rough. So far I'm pretty happy with my experience. I'll let you know how day three turns out.
  • carriediana
    I just finished the 24 Day Challenge.. i was happy with my results.. I'm also maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    My boyfriend was very skeptical about the challenge and Advocare thought it was a gimmick.., He's on day 5 of the challenge :) He carries most of his weight in his midsection.

  • dbsscott1
    dbsscott1 Posts: 6
    I'm pumped about starting the challenge, I wish my stuff would get here.