Finally ready to do this!


My name is Rachel, age 32, and my weight has been up and down since puberty. I used to get teased about being a "toothpick" in 8th grade, but by the time I hit 10th I was about 50lb overweight. I lost it all, gained part, lost, gained even more, lost some...I'm sure you get the picture. I am currently at the highest weight I have ever been, excluding pregnancy.

I recently went on a trip and while getting dressed to go out with my family I made the discovery that my "going out in public" clothes did not fit. So, choking back tears, I found a t-shirt that looked presentable. i had to wear t-shirts for the rest of the trip. That was the point where I decided enough was enough. I've stopped making excuses and am ready to feel good about myself again.

My biggest challenge is going to be my husband. He thinks that changing your diet is bunk and will continue to bring home ice cream and hot fudge, soda, pizzas, and cook burgers on his days off. Hopefully, i will give in to temptation only a little.

Thank you for reading my ramblings.:happy:


  • DelightfulGirl
    DelightfulGirl Posts: 14 Member
    Taking the first step is always the hardest, so congrats on that! I wish you the best of success in your weight loss can do it! :)