need help with macros (IIFYM)

Hey there :)

So... like most women I started my weight loss journey with lots and lots of cardio, and very little weight lifting. Since then I have started lifting free weights at what is heavy and challenging to me.

On instagram and as well as even MFP I have seen this concept of "If it fits your macros"
Now I have always tracked my calories, macros and vitamins on MFP when loosing the weight - however I wanted to do some more research on the ratios of macro nutrients.... only to become more confused.... lololol.
the website has a macronutient calculator as well as a calculator that produces a TDEE and basal metabolic rate... however these numbers produced for macros are DRASTICALLY different then what my macro counts on MFP are.... carbs and fat are significantly less from IIFYM's website.

This leaves me to question if MFP is accurate in counting macro nutrients...?

the other issue is - on IIFYM it states that I should eat the same amount of calories and carbs daily, regardless if the day involves any kind of exercise

So.... if someone could tell me their views on MFP's daily calculations for macros and calories... and if I should base my macros on MFP or another source.... and if macros should be higher on exercise days then rest days :)

thanks MFPers!!! <3


  • aaron296
    aaron296 Posts: 5
    If you are training daily go with the IIFYM numbers. So far i have had positive outcomes for myself and imo mfp may be a bit on the low end as far as my macros. But im still tweaking my numbers here and there. best thing to do is eat the same thing every day for a week or so and see what your body tells you. ajust numbers by 25g or so untill you like what you see.
  • alycat1990
    alycat1990 Posts: 88 Member
    hey thanks for your reply :) I do not train daily... I train about 3-4 days a week with about 60- 90 minutes of weights and 20 mins of cardio... sometimes I do a day or two extra and go out for a jog around my neighbourhood.

    well IIFYM has me at:
    2023 cal/day
    219.4g carbs
    166.5g protein
    53.3g fat

    on a "rest day" or a day when I dont exercise MFP has me at...

    1790 cals/day
    200g carbs/day
    157g protein/day
    40g fat/day

    of course that changes when I exercise the numbers increase... I just feel like if I spend 2-2.5 hours in the gym 219g carbs according to the will not give me enough energy...

    I dont knowwww lololol
  • aaron296
    aaron296 Posts: 5
    Play it safe. If MFP numbers are working start there and increase little by little and see how things go. IIFYM might work better with a strict lifting program.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I follow IIFYM but not from the site.

    I do not train everyday but I do use TDEE (similar/close to what says but based on my own results...

    TDEE is for people with consistent exercise not just daily.

    For me I found a calculation from the group Eat train progress for all my numbers....

    Protein=1gram per lb of LBM or 0.8 per lb of body mass x 4/TDEE=protein %
    Fat=LBM x .35x9/TDEE=Fat %
    rest are carbs..

    For me it works out to 50/25/25...carb/protein/fats

    So I end up with 121grams of protien, 250grams of carbs and 56grams of fat for my 2000 calories a day.

    As for MFP they are set to minimums...

    ETA: my workouts are as follows: Lifting 3x a week 3x5, cardio (walking 4.5mph norm) 3-4x a week or a bike ride or HIIT or HIIT on my bike...
  • DanielCathers
    DanielCathers Posts: 53 Member
    This leaves me to question if MFP is accurate in counting macro nutrients...?

    What do you mean by counting? Do you mean adding the totals from your diary? Or do you mean the default goals and how it adjusts to exercising.

    As far as macro grams and ratios go, doing different things will do different things to your body. Energy (Calorie) deficits will make you lose weight as a general rule, but what you eat affects lots of things. MFP has it's own idea of good ratios, other sites have other ratios. Some site's calculators let you choose which diet/nutrition philosophy to subscribe to. Luckily MFP lets you customize your goals (albeit to the nearest 5% only).

    Adjusting to exercise on MFP is a little wonky. It adjusts your calories and then increases grams simply by your goal %'s. I think it should at least have the option to set certain things as fixed in grams (not % of calories) and adjust things that aren't fixed.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Its all dependent on your goal. The protein is low on mfp, I set my own custom goals for Macros. It works if you have the proper ratios and are balancing good food with your treats. it can be a bit of trial and error, but really its about consistency. I think .8-1 gram per pound is sufficient. Actually .8 until your leaner even if that is your goal. I actually have 1 day of higher carb. There are many things to consider body type, as for me I can handle more carbs than some other people.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    I think macros on MFP are way off if you are doing anything where you might want to build muscle, or keep it while losing weight. The protein is just too low.

    I researched it a lot before starting and found pretty consistent recommendations with what you see on IIFYM -

    1 grams protein per pound bodyweight (use goal bodyweight if you want)
    .35 - .45 grams fat per pound bodyweight
    The rest in crabs (about 1 gram per pound)
  • april577
    april577 Posts: 2 Member
    So I'm very new to the whole IIFYM. I calculated my macros on what is I guess the "Official" IIFYM site. I've been doing it now for about 3 weeks and my weight fluctuates on the scale so I don't like to rely on those numbers but most of my clothes fit a little better so I think it's working. However, I really need the dummy version of all of this! IIFYM gave me a total of 210.5 carbs/day. MFP breaks down the carbs & sugars but in my mind they are essentially the same and any sugar should be added into my total carbs for the day. Is this correct? I'm also a group fitness instructor so I do a lot of high intensity cardio about 4 - 5 days per week but sadly don't get enough lifting time other than the body strength exercises we do in class (dips, pushups, etc). Any advice on IIFYM will be so greatly appreciated!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I think macros on MFP are way off if you are doing anything where you might want to build muscle, or keep it while losing weight. The protein is just too low.

    I researched it a lot before starting and found pretty consistent recommendations with what you see on IIFYM -

    1 grams protein per pound bodyweight (use goal bodyweight if you want)
    .35 - .45 grams fat per pound bodyweight
    The rest in crabs (about 1 gram per pound)

    This. Protein and fats should be treated as minimum goals. You should eat at least the above amounts per day. If you go over great, you're doing it right. Carbs are important because they provide energy and are DELICIOUS, but don't get hung up about the number.
  • yjackson08
    yjackson08 Posts: 12 Member
    MFP does add your sugar into your carbs. It doesn't treat it differently. It just tells you how much sugar you are consuming, in case you're trying to limit that. Then you don't have to go hunting and doing separate calculations on sugar. The same with trans fats being included under your overall fat intake.
  • april577
    april577 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! I think I've been missing the mark on the carbs! I've been looking at them as separate numbers since on the summary it shows them separately.
  • yjackson08
    yjackson08 Posts: 12 Member
    Yea, it shows sugars indented underneath carbs. Same with fiber which is also a carb.
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    researching this topic... "bump"