Trying to get back on track!

I recently lost 107lbs on WW in 14 months. Over the past two years i have put back on about 30lbs. in the past few months I have really started tracking everything again and exersizing more. The scale doesnt move, it may go up or down but then always comes back around 174.8lbs. Has anyone else had this happen? I am doing most of the same stuff that i lost all the other weight iwth and now it seems ineffective. I am kicking up my exersize routine, adding ZUMBA and cardio kick rather than just walking. I am going to give it a few weeks and hopefully I will see results. Ugh hard to imagine this battle is forever....:


  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    I recently lost 107lbs on WW in 14 months. Over the past two years i have put back on about 30lbs. in the past few months I have really started tracking everything again and exersizing more. The scale doesnt move, it may go up or down but then always comes back around 174.8lbs. Has anyone else had this happen? I am doing most of the same stuff that i lost all the other weight iwth and now it seems ineffective. I am kicking up my exersize routine, adding ZUMBA and cardio kick rather than just walking. I am going to give it a few weeks and hopefully I will see results. Ugh hard to imagine this battle is forever....:

    Losing weight is primarily about diet, not exercise. If you are putting on the pounds, it's because you are eating more than you are using. Sounds like you are eating at maintenance for about 174. Rather than kick up your exercise routine which may or may not last, I would suggest focus on accurately tracking your intake. Sounds like WW didn't teach you how to maintain your newly found weight loss long term. Good news is you can learn that here.

    Your diet (notice I said your diet, not A diet) dictates your weight and you exercise for your health and fitness.

    For me, I'm at 165 lbs. When I eat approx 2250 calories a day, my scale fluctuates between 163 and 167. For me, 2250 calories per day is maintenance. When I drop it back to say, 1750 per day then I start seeing slow but steady weight loss. When I go over 15,750 calories for the week, my scale starts fluctuating a little higher than the 165 mark.
  • maleckathryn
    They did but they didnt, but doing what your supposed to is a lot easier said than done. Especially after being perfect for so many months. Either way right now I am not gaining, but i am not losing either. Which in itself for me is a trimuph and i am not downplaying all that i have done. i just want to lose about 10 of the 25 i gained. I think that would be more maintainable for me.

    I am eating less than 1200 calories a day. I track every bite of food. Mainly on WW and a few times a week ive been checking in on here and logging everythign to make sure i am still under all the guidlines here. So i dont think its my eating (at least not the past few months ;o) ). I hear all the people on here saying they are eating that many calories and for me my body cant have that much or i gain weight. I dont really know what to do but try to excerize more because i cant possible eat less. Id go crazy and I dont think thatd be healthy. Heres my typical week day below (weekends pretty similar thse days too).

    Typical days:
    Breakfast: egg white frittata with veggies ( i make)
    or WW breakfast quesidillia

    Lunch: garden salad with .5 oz of cheese and balsamic vinegar and 1.5 cup soap (broth based)
    or 4 oz tilapia and mixed frozen veg
    or 2 ounces deli turkey with .5 oz cheese, 2tbls hummus and carrots.

    4 oz of lean meat and about 1.5 cups of veggies.

    2 1cup servings of fruit.
  • maleckathryn
    soup not SOAP.. lol id be losing weight like crazy if that was the case!
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    It sounds counterproductive I know, but you seem to be eating too little for the amount of exercise you do. Perhaps increase calories to 1400 and see how you go? Eating too little messes up your metabolism just as quick as eating too much :)
  • maleckathryn
    I know, I might try that depending how the next few weeks go. But it makes me a littel scared. I mean i lost all theother weight doing this, i dont really understand why now is different.