Started P90X last night

Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm doing the Lean program. Wow ... I did the core one ... the rolling banana was hard in the 3 X 5 foot space I have to work with in my apartment lol

Is there no P90X in the database for cardio ?


140.6 lbs
chest 37
wasit 34
hips 37
thighs 24
arms 11.5

I'm too scared to look at my Before Pics! lol


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    i started last night also and i am doing the lean program also--
    how sore are you today?
  • There is no P90x in the database...i started last Tuesday and i had to do some searching. What i found was the roughly every video for P90x burns about 645 calories. I searched on the internet and checked a few sites out it seems to be pretty accurate. Hope that helps.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    There is no P90x in the database...i started last Tuesday and i had to do some searching. What i found was the roughly every video for P90x burns about 645 calories. I searched on the internet and checked a few sites out it seems to be pretty accurate. Hope that helps.

    Yes the average burn of a P90X work out is 600 calories. With that said everyone is different so there is going to be different calorie burns. My suggestion is to get a HRM and go from there.
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    Kudos to you!! I am ready for the next level of fitness in my life and I've really been thinking about doing P90X., but I am very intimidated. I wish I had a workout partner or that someone would have p90X classes.I just need the extra support I guess.
    I have plateaued in my workouts and losing weight, so I know I have to challenge myself.

    Congratulations on taking the plunge!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    How hard is it to get started? Were you able to finish the workout? I keep seeing the infomercials and I want to get it, but I'm scared. I'm not terribly overweight, but I'm not in great shape either. I watch it on tv and think, "I couldn't possibly do that."
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    How hard is it to get started? Were you able to finish the workout? I keep seeing the infomercials and I want to get it, but I'm scared. I'm not terribly overweight, but I'm not in great shape either. I watch it on tv and think, "I couldn't possibly do that."

    Beachbody has a program called Power 90 by the same instructor that is a great precursor to P90X. I would recommend that first. It is also cheaper than P90X. You can check it out @
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    lol i do p90x in my cramped apt too but i make it work. keep it up its worth the effort
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    How hard is it to get started? Were you able to finish the workout? I keep seeing the infomercials and I want to get it, but I'm scared. I'm not terribly overweight, but I'm not in great shape either. I watch it on tv and think, "I couldn't possibly do that."

    Beachbody has a program called Power 90 by the same instructor that is a great precursor to P90X. I would recommend that first. It is also cheaper than P90X. You can check it out @

    I too had reservations about just jumping right in to P90X, when I had not been going to the gym regularly before. I was also 230 lbs (5'9"), so quite a bit out of shape. I instead have done Power 90, to prep for P90X. I'm currently in the last week of Power 90 (WOW! Time has sure flown by) and I'll begin P90X as soon as I finish. I can definitely say that Power 90 has gotten me ready for P90X. I can now do 36-40 straight pushups (that's at the end of a Sculpt 3-4 workout, so I may be a little worn out) and 5 pullups. That's up from 20 pushups and 1 pullup.

    If you want to try P90X, but are hesitant due to your fitness level, please try Power 90.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    How hard is it to get started? Were you able to finish the workout? I keep seeing the infomercials and I want to get it, but I'm scared. I'm not terribly overweight, but I'm not in great shape either. I watch it on tv and think, "I couldn't possibly do that."

    I didn't do the 'Bonus Round' but it was mostly cuz my husband needed help hanging shower rods! haha *seriously* He's very good at saying 'You don't have to do the full set, work up to it' so that helped, cuz there were these push ups where you start in plank, and then go to push up and I couldn't do 1 ... but I didn't get discouraged, hey if I can do one in the 90 days I get ... I'll succeed! I dont think it's intimidating, especially doing it in your living room on your own!

    I've said it three times already today, but if you do want to purchase it, check out Craigslist first, I got mine brand new in wrapper for 60$
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    i started last night also and i am doing the lean program also--
    how sore are you today?

    Hey we should buddy up! I feel fine to be honest ... Maybe from my bicept to my shoulder hurts the most cuz of all the push ups. I can't go all the way down on a push up ... but I kept up all right! Are you doing the diet? I'm not I'm just doing the MFP logging.

    Tonight is the Cardio! Which I'm looking forward to it's only 40+ minutes long, going to see Black Swan at 740 :)
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    sounds good--
    i am sore from the upper body too-- i was able to do some of the push ups but not a whole lot. i didnt do the extra moves either- just bc i didnt eat enough throughout the day and was feeling weak as i did the pretest before my workout.

    i am just trying to eat lower carb but within my goals on here as i burn a lot of calories thru the workout and i will eat some of them back.
  • sbechdel
    sbechdel Posts: 29 Member
    Hey P90Xers,

    Been doing p90X for a few weeks. I ran every day before switching to P90X and it still was a bit of an adjustment. Yeah, most websites say ~600 cals are burned, but I feel like it's more around 450 or so. Everyone is different and each time you do it you may give it more intensity or less which is why I base it a bit lower. Best part about it is just do your best - you will find every week you can do one more rep of "something, " which is really self-motivating. Keep with it, my goal is to just get all the way through the "Legs" DVD! I switched to it from just running because I was plateauing and so far it's working!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Update on Soreness. ..

    i'm really feeling it in my abs, but not just the middle part but around the sides too (by the rib cage)

    I have CardioX tonight, and a two hour hula hoop session! hahaha wish me luck!
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    just got done with the cardio x-- it felt good but it shows how uncoodinated i am. i could not get the jab, cross, hook sequence oh well i will get better- hopefully. as for soreness i feel it in my abs, hamstrings and upper body from pushups.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    just got done with the cardio x-- it felt good but it shows how uncoodinated i am. i could not get the jab, cross, hook sequence oh well i will get better- hopefully. as for soreness i feel it in my abs, hamstrings and upper body from pushups.

    did you sweat lots? and did you wear runners or do it in your socks? Curious cuz I just moved into a brand new condo SAturday, and hubby will kill me if I'm wearing runners on the hardwood! haha
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    did you sweat lots? and did you wear runners or do it in your socks? Curious cuz I just moved into a brand new condo SAturday, and hubby will kill me if I'm wearing runners on the hardwood! haha --

    i actually do mine at the gym i go to just bc of the variety of the weights and the pull up bar..i wear runners and it helps with the impact-- i think it you put down a mat then do the exercise on that you would be good for your new floors
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Oh is it a class you take then? or they have a DVD player? My gym is pretty ghetto (small town and all) I ended up not being able to do it yesterday cuz I forgot I preregistered for a Hula Hoop class! haha so I hulad for about 2 hours ... sore 'abs' now! haha what is today?!
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