Online fitness training?

Does it work? I've been hearing about lyzabeth Lopez hourglass workout and she has an online package with tutorials, eating plan, etc. has anyone tried something like this and been successful? I'm trying to gain muscle


  • apyt2c
    apyt2c Posts: 13 Member
    I have been researching her too. From YouTube and Facebook she looks like the real deal. I have chosen a few exercises she has posted and talked about on her page and videos. From there, I am building my own workout. My goal is to drop weight and tone my body, especially my booty. Her workout is great for legs and booty. She recommends 60 minute sessions 3x's a week.
  • apyt2c
    apyt2c Posts: 13 Member

    The style of training varies, but I like to train six days a week. I enjoy morning cardio (empty stomach). This wakes me up, gets the circulation going, makes me take in a good amount of water first thing in the morning and puts me in a great mood to start the day. If I’m rushed, I’ll do some weights right after and that’s it. On other days, I can do a real workout later on in the day like a good quality weight workout or a class. My workout is forever changing and that’s how I like it!

    Here is an average leg day for me (if I do cardio and legs together):

    10 min step mill warm-up
    5 min of walking lunges (light weight – focused contractions throughout).
    3 super sets of: single leg – leg press/ single leg squat/jump squat
    3 super sets of: glute kick back/deadlift/switch lunges
    2 super sets: abductor/adcutor machine
    3 sets ham string curl on ball (abs as active rest)
    2 sets good mornings (heavy)
    2 sets low back – hyperextension machine with a 70lb+ dumbbell
    20 min run
    10 min jump rope
  • Hi I noticed that you looked in to the train with Lyza online fitness training also. I was just wondering if you ever tried it out? I suddenly became interested in that too and I attempted to research it but I did not find many reviews on it. If you tried it please tell me what it is like! Thank you :)