Losing the "fanny pack" belly advice

Hi Everyone!

I need some advice on how to lose belly fat. So far I've lost 21lbs by doing the Biggest Loser exercises and cutting back on junk food. my goal is to lose 24lbs by thanksgiving/Christmas. There's one problem. My belly looks like a "fanny pack" and I struggle to lose it. I tried several times to contact Bob Harper to see if he could give me some advice, But so far, he hasn't responded. I know some people refer their bellies as to "muffin tops" but I like to call mine a fanny pack.:laugh: If anyone has any suggestions as to how to lose it, PLEASE feel free to respond and tell me how you done it!!


  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Continue to eat at a deficit, and start some sort of strength training program if you aren't already. As you lose weight, your stomach will get smaller as the rest of you does. Strength training using a whole body program can help, but it does take time and dedication.
  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    Agreed. You can't spot reduce fat. Maintain a calorie deficit, train right, lower your body fat, and eventually it will go (usually it's the last thing unfortunately).