Petite Ladies 200+, what are you doing for exercise?

Hi everyone!! I'm 5'2" and currently at 243. It's really hard to move my body with this weight. Just wondering what others are doing for exercise? I had been doing 15-20 minutes on the treadmill, but it's killing my knee. I can't afford a gym so I'm trying to get ideas from others. :happy:


  • maireailbhe
    maireailbhe Posts: 19 Member
    I wasn't doing anything for exercise at first. Just concentrating on my eating. Then when I dropped about 20 pounds I started walking a little bit. Slowly and not very far at all. But eventually that turned into a half hour walk every day. Now I'm down to about 220 and I started riding a bike. I don't do it every day, but I do it when I can, and it's fun and less pressure on my knees. :)
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Love my bike also... I have small weights by my chair and at night when we watch tv, when a commercial comes on I do high walking in place and use the weights.. Think they are 3 lbs.. Any kind of movements are great. Best to you.
  • mle_b
    mle_b Posts: 3 Member
    Hullo! I've been doing T25, it's great because there is always a modified low impact version to every move. It's also only 25 minutes, so bonus. I've also heard great things about PiYo, and it being very low impact. Hope that helps! Good luck : ]
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I wasn't doing anything for exercise at first. Just concentrating on my eating. Then when I dropped about 20 pounds I started walking a little bit. Slowly and not very far at all. But eventually that turned into a half hour walk every day. Now I'm down to about 220 and I started riding a bike. I don't do it every day, but I do it when I can, and it's fun and less pressure on my knees. :)

    This is pretty much what I've done.

    I didn't do any exercise for the first few months. I focused on my eating and getting used to planning my daily meals. When I was ready I added walking.

    Even now, when I'm much lighter, I don't do anything else yet, although I do find it easier to lift heavy shopping bags. I shall hop on the indoor rower (after I've recovered from knee surgery in October), and will join my local Y when I get within range of my weight loss milestone and then set some fitness targets with a personal trainer there.
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    I started the C25k program last week. I own the Zumba DVD's and a Yoga for beginners DVD which I will use later. Sticking to C25k till I get more stamina.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    When I was at my heaviest, I biked, walked, lifted weights and did low impact aerobics. I still do the same, except my aerobics include a lot more jumping around now.

    My mom is in the mid 200s range with a bad back and knees and also has had lots of success biking.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    Do you have access to a pool? Swimming would be the best, unfortunately most of us don't have access to a pool year round. If 15-20 min of walking hurts your knee, start with 10 min. Technically you don't need to exercise to lose weight. I personally find it helps me - luckily even at my sw of 226 I didn't have any knee/back/etc problems. Start with what you can & as you lose weight & build up endurance you can add more time to your walks.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I sprained my ankle really bad a while back and still have trouble sometimes. Luckily I don't have issues walking but I still can't jog or run - so I do understand joint pain when trying to get active.

    I definitely second (or third? fourth?) trying out bicycling. The pool is also a fantastic suggestion if you have access to one -- super low impact and real lap swimming burns a ton of calories.
  • krae84
    krae84 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4 and weigh 218. I power walk with my dog outside 3 x per week and a Jillian michaels DVD twice a week. I can't do every single exercise but I try my best. You should be able to do anything modified. Walking is a great start even if it's only if it's a short distance :) you can do it :)
  • Rubyew
    Rubyew Posts: 49 Member
    I started off at 205 and I am now down to 189 about 7 weeks in. Prior to starting I did no exercise at all. I would still be classed as doing a very non demanding exercise regime but it is working for me. It consists of walking my dog pretty much every day for between 30 and 60 minutes. Up hills through fields etc. I very quickly felt my legs getting stronger and can now walk up the hill without getting out of breath. I also go to one exercise class a week which I really love, this is dancercise. It isn't a lot to what many people do on here, but for me it is a lifestyle change and so hugely different. I cannot stress enough the impact it has had on my sense of wellbeing, overall fitness level, strength, stamina and weight loss. Please just do what works for you, what you can do easily, e.g. not having to pay too much, not having to change what is your normal routine too much. It will help, you will feel better.

    :smile: :smile: