those with loose skin, how do you feel about it vs fat??



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I like my loose skin (and I have a bunch) much more than the extra fat I used to carry. No, obviously I'll never be 100% happy with how I look, but it's still by far the lesser of two evils.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you're in pain and worried about your health like you say you are, you need to let your husband know that no matter what your body issues end up being at a lower weight, it's still a good idea to attain a healthy weight.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Being happy with my body is my last thought. I was more worried about my health, as I was starting to have some minor issues. And I didn't want them to become big ones later on. I was 271 and miserable. I'm only 5ft 3, that's a lot of weight on my little body. I honestly think he believes I'm only in this for the looks, as we never really discusted the reasons behind it this. I had wanted to do this before but for all the WRONG reasons.

    I know no matter what Ill never be content with my body, I haven't my entire 24 years, I've always been the fat girl. So body image wise I don't expect to get tons of confidence and things. But I'm sure some will come. Id rather loose skin I can keep semi contained over fat that juggles alll the time.

    So I'm catching lots of lotion and water should help my body start to snap back some?
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    From what I've picked up, yeah- lotion, water, and tending towards slower weight loss will tend to reduce skin sagging. And I've heard from folks on here that skin recovers slowly; it might take a few extra years for your skin to catch up with your weight change, but it should gradually improve. (Especially since you're young! :D)

    In my experience: I'm not thrilled by my loose skin- I know I'll have more as I continue to lose weight, and I'm not thrilled by that either. But I'd rather deal with the loose skin (which only has cosmetic consequences) than the extra weight I was and am carrying (which has cosmetic /and/ medical consequences).

    It can be so hard to sort out the complicated ways we inhabit our bodies. Best of luck to you.
  • DallasSusan
    DallasSusan Posts: 34 Member
    I'm postmenopausal. I'm not real happy about the loose skin on my belly and thighs. I'm really, really not happy to have lost my formerly nice breasts. Wow. My breasts were the first fat I lost. Now I look flat-chested. But I keep telling myself the health benefits will be worth it. Thanks to those who informed me that skin will firm up over time - but that'll it will take years, not months. Best of luck to every body.
  • KylieJordan16
    KylieJordan16 Posts: 36 Member
    Google "Kelly Flab to Fab" & check out her Facebook/Instagram ( She is insane and SO inspiring. She lost over 100 pounds and has improved the look of her loose skin so much she is competing as a bodybuilder. She didn't let it stop her and you would never even tell she was ever over-weight.