Starting Over

OKay. Here we go..... New to the website. Looking to create a brand new attitude toward eating healthy and loosing weight to get to a healthy shape and size. I keep tyring to remind myself that the number on the scale is not near as important as my overall well being. except that the number on the scale tends to be a reflection of my overall well being... So its importnat - -but its not important.... I just want to look in the mirror naked and think. Not Bad for ( insert age here)....

Goals - -I have goals - - be a good example.... have a BMI that is not more then ###% fat..... Keep up with my kids and my husband who area ll very active.

I am a pretty upbeat and positive person - -but I want to be able to Skip rope again - Hike to the tope of the three sisters and spend the night out on the pacific crest trail......

I am not sure where I am strating witht he food - - but my goal today.... drink water..... what is it 8 glasses of water? thats seems like a good as place as any to start....

And - -Go for a WALK - - sounds like the right thing... 30 min walk.... I think I can handle that..


  • autumn5gabby
    Sounds like a good start. As you start doing good things it becomes easier to do more good things for your self. That and having support.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Keep that attitude! It is all about the little things you do each day. Every choice counts.
    Welcome to MFP!
  • ErinLauren
    ErinLauren Posts: 24 Member
    AMAZING! Small steps is all it takes! Exercise is the key! Even if its just walking. Track your food on here. It really works. Make the site work for you and help in taking the weight that you want off! I want you to succeed! Now go have a glass of water! I kid! But good luck to you!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You've got a great attitude starting out...keep it up and don't let yourself get discouraged along the way. As with most journeys there will be ups and downs...accept the downs and move on to turn them into ups. And celebrate the ups...even the little ones! Good luck, joining MFP may have been your best step yet! ;)
  • marciml
    marciml Posts: 41
    I am so proud of you! You are amazing and you will succeed!!!