Cerazette Birth Control and Weight Gain



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You didn't gain weight because of birth control. You gained weight because you ate too much.

    You don't mince words do you. I'm well aware that a pill cannot be solely responsible for making me gain weight...but thanks for your encouraging words. Next time maybe just say it in your head instead of inflicting your negative response on the world. Not helpful.

    OK. What I'm saying is that women often blame birth control pills for "making them fat" when really it's just because they're eating more than they're burning. Going off the pill won't make you lose fat.
    Sometimes the change in hormones as a result of BC makes you fat. I went off Mirena and lost 8 pounds immediately while lying on the couch doing nothing and eating whatever I wanted.

    That was after a year of working out 60-90 minutes a day and watching everything I put in my mouth. I gained 25 pounds. So, tell me again that I was "just eating too much."
  • cassienoe
    cassienoe Posts: 126 Member
    I am not on this pill, but on something else. This is my experience which speaks loud enough for me. Last year, due to the holidays and personal stuff I couldn't make it to the pharmacy on time to get my new prescription so I had to wait a month to start my next pack. The month that I was not on the pill, I lost probably 5 lbs. My eating/exercise habits didn't change at all. I ate junk food and carbs and soda occasionally. I wasn't tracking my food and I wasn't making particularly stellar choices, but weight still fell off. I was not working out except for walking maybe a total of 30 mins to and from my classroom that is on the opposite side of the campus. I thought it was the fact that my classroom was further away which was why I seemed to be burning more. When I went back on the pill, the weight came back. I consider myself a serial dieter as I always seem to be dieting but for some reason or another I never stick with it but I eat pretty healthy all in all. I don't think that the pill made me gain weight, but it makes it hard to lose it. It's tricking your body into thinking your pregnant...makes sense it would want a little extra 'cushion'...
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I have been on this pill since end november and haven't noticed any major difference weight wise yet. I am also considering stopping this pill when I complete the 3 mos trial but not 100% sure yet. I have not had a period since I have been on it and while on one hand it is a relief, it also feels abit abnormal and I do miss having a period strangely.

    Prior to taking cerazette I was on microgynon for about 7 years and whilst I did gain some weight on the pill, it wasn't until I reached 30 (a whopping 5 years after being on the pill) that I started to notice weight gain so my view has always been that it was turning 30 that cause me to gain weight :-)
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    No problem because of Cerazette, just a lifestyle change that caused an increase in the opportunity to feed my greed. I've lost the weight I put on now and I'm having no problem keeping it off. I guess you just have to be aware that Cerazette can cause an increase in appetite & water retention and see if you notice this affecting you. It may not do, but if you find that it does then go back to your doctor and see what they suggest.
  • Ive been on this four almost a month and hav always been dieting but cant seem to shift weight and i seem to b gaining every week with diet & excercize!very annoying :(
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You didn't gain weight because of birth control. You gained weight because you ate too much.

    You don't mince words do you. I'm well aware that a pill cannot be solely responsible for making me gain weight...but thanks for your encouraging words. Next time maybe just say it in your head instead of inflicting your negative response on the world. Not helpful.

    OK. What I'm saying is that women often blame birth control pills for "making them fat" when really it's just because they're eating more than they're burning. Going off the pill won't make you lose fat.

    Don't bother no one here wants to hear this..trust me I have tried. You will get the response "it upsets your hormones which makes you gain weight"

    Depo, the pill, implant, IUD they are all blamed...
  • lillith44
    lillith44 Posts: 1 Member
    I was on cerazette for almost 2 years. During the first 1.5 years I gained 25 pounds. In the last 4 months, I significantly increased my exercise from 2-3 days a week to 5-6 days a week and also made small changes to diet to include more vegetables and less bread, rice, etc. Still, I was only losing 1 pound a week. I stopped taking the pill 7 days ago and without any changes to existing exercise or diet, I have lost 6 pounds this week. Very likely water weight, but it still feels great. Happy to be off hormones!
  • Birth control makes you gain weight because of a change in hormones. Eventually your hormones regulate and the weight should balance out to what it was before you've taken it (without diet and exercise however). When I fist started the pill I was 16 because of a genetic predisposition to PCOS and acne issues. I gained some weight due to water retention, a year later my weight returned to normal. The maximum you should gain is about 5lbs, but if you're dieting and exercising strictly you shouldn't see any actual weight gain, it will be water retention.
  • Actually I had to write on here as I thought I was going mental!!!!! I started cerrazette a month ago and I've been the same weight and shape for around 20 years and that has suddenly changed literally I woke up about 2 weeks ago with a swollen stomach and my clothes have got tighter and tighter over the 2 weeks I have lost my appetite and I am eating 1 small meal a day as I'm so bloated I can't manage any more and when I don't eat the weight drops off! I'm usually 8s 7lb I fluctuate between 7lb and 9lb but now I am 9s 3lb in 2 weeks I have put this weight on and I am bloated and full and I can't even do my work trousers up comfortably I thought what the hell is happening and unknown it's due to this pill, when you know your body you know when something isn't right........I know my weight gain is due to this pill as it's to much of a coincidence not to be! Yes weight gain is due to the individual and you should always exercise and eat healthy but if there's things like this floating around that can make you feel fat and bloated then it's lethal to take this while feeling down and a bit fat as it is going to mess with your head! I feel for you as I myself couldn't understand what was going on. I've stopped cerrazette now and I am starting to deflate slowly and I'm gaining my appetite back thank goodness! Come off this pill if you're concerned by any side affects you know your body no one can tell you what to do just do what you feel! So yes in my experience it can cause weight gain actually it did to me and I wasn't even eating enough to sustain a small toddler so you can't tell me I was over eating! Good luck
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I've lost 89 pounds so far and am on Cerazette so you absolutely can lose weight whilst on it :flowerforyou:
  • What a *****y thing to say! Hormones affect all sorts of things--ESPECIALLY weight and how it is spread on the body. Take a health class!
  • catdorsett
    catdorsett Posts: 2 Member
    I have switched between cerezette and the injection a couple of times over the past few years and I find that my appetite is completely different on cerezette and I find it much harder to control. I only came back to it because the nurse told me incorrect information about the injection so I will be switching again. I gain weight because I eat too much of the wrong things but I do find I do this more on cerezette than on the injection because I simply can't control myself. Some people may have better will power than I do but I would much rather be on the injection.
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    Nope, I have not experienced weight gain whilst on Cerezette. I have lost 13 Kg in the last 6 months whilst remaining on it though :-)
  • erinp16
    erinp16 Posts: 2
    Well said!
  • Ffiffifab
    Ffiffifab Posts: 7 Member
    I was on Cerazette for only 11 weeks. Had gained a little bit too much weight on the old pill (which for me meant that it needed a change seeing as it allowed me to lose 4 stone 3 years ago) and wanted to change my pill so they put me on this as it is supposed to help with maintaining weight. I was on a diet and exercising everyday (including walking around 4 miles from university and back) but instead of losing weight, I gained an extortionate 2 stone in 8 weeks on it. The only reason I was on it for 11 weeks was that they told me to carry on for at least 4 months but gained an extra half a stone in those 3 weeks and gave up. My lifestyle hadn't changed and my eating habits have been relatively the same since I was about 16 so no problems there. I was retaining water (swollen ankles and hands, massive belly bloat) and gained body fat whilst on this pill. I've been off it 3 months and I am still struggling to shift the weight despite dieting and exercising every day and have only lost 1lb since being off it. I'm happy to try any kind of contraceptive pill but this one was definitely the worst idea I could ever have had and would have chosen an alternative if I could have at the time.

    Also to add, this pill has a different effect on everyone so you never know until you try. I know friends who swear by Cerazette and said it was the best which is why I thought I would be fine. I'm not discouraging anyone to try it, I'm just letting people know that some women just don't agree with the hormones it contains, which can be said for any contraceptive pill and nobody knows unless they try.

    Hope this helps and lets you know that you're not alone with this problem :)
  • mondvay
    mondvay Posts: 21 Member
    If you honestly feel as though you haven't eaten more than usual, the only logical explanation would be water retention.

    I was on Cerazette for three months and then I got the Implanon (which is exactly the same, just not in pill form) and had that for four months. So all in all that was 7 months and I didn't gain a pound. I had loads of breakouts though and my back is still scarred from the acne I got, which is why I took it out after only four months, but no weight gain.

    Try upping you water intake and watch your portion sizes to make sure you're not unconsciously eating more than you think you do (appetite can increase without you really knowing or realizing it) and you should be fine :)