Cerazette Birth Control and Weight Gain



  • What a *****y thing to say! Hormones affect all sorts of things--ESPECIALLY weight and how it is spread on the body. Take a health class!
  • catdorsett
    catdorsett Posts: 2 Member
    I have switched between cerezette and the injection a couple of times over the past few years and I find that my appetite is completely different on cerezette and I find it much harder to control. I only came back to it because the nurse told me incorrect information about the injection so I will be switching again. I gain weight because I eat too much of the wrong things but I do find I do this more on cerezette than on the injection because I simply can't control myself. Some people may have better will power than I do but I would much rather be on the injection.
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    Nope, I have not experienced weight gain whilst on Cerezette. I have lost 13 Kg in the last 6 months whilst remaining on it though :-)
  • erinp16
    erinp16 Posts: 2
    Well said!
  • Ffiffifab
    Ffiffifab Posts: 7 Member
    I was on Cerazette for only 11 weeks. Had gained a little bit too much weight on the old pill (which for me meant that it needed a change seeing as it allowed me to lose 4 stone 3 years ago) and wanted to change my pill so they put me on this as it is supposed to help with maintaining weight. I was on a diet and exercising everyday (including walking around 4 miles from university and back) but instead of losing weight, I gained an extortionate 2 stone in 8 weeks on it. The only reason I was on it for 11 weeks was that they told me to carry on for at least 4 months but gained an extra half a stone in those 3 weeks and gave up. My lifestyle hadn't changed and my eating habits have been relatively the same since I was about 16 so no problems there. I was retaining water (swollen ankles and hands, massive belly bloat) and gained body fat whilst on this pill. I've been off it 3 months and I am still struggling to shift the weight despite dieting and exercising every day and have only lost 1lb since being off it. I'm happy to try any kind of contraceptive pill but this one was definitely the worst idea I could ever have had and would have chosen an alternative if I could have at the time.

    Also to add, this pill has a different effect on everyone so you never know until you try. I know friends who swear by Cerazette and said it was the best which is why I thought I would be fine. I'm not discouraging anyone to try it, I'm just letting people know that some women just don't agree with the hormones it contains, which can be said for any contraceptive pill and nobody knows unless they try.

    Hope this helps and lets you know that you're not alone with this problem :)
  • mondvay
    mondvay Posts: 21 Member
    If you honestly feel as though you haven't eaten more than usual, the only logical explanation would be water retention.

    I was on Cerazette for three months and then I got the Implanon (which is exactly the same, just not in pill form) and had that for four months. So all in all that was 7 months and I didn't gain a pound. I had loads of breakouts though and my back is still scarred from the acne I got, which is why I took it out after only four months, but no weight gain.

    Try upping you water intake and watch your portion sizes to make sure you're not unconsciously eating more than you think you do (appetite can increase without you really knowing or realizing it) and you should be fine :)