Not losing!

Okay, I must be doing something wrong. I have been using MyFitnessPal along with a Fitbit for three consecutive weeks now. I have been under my calorie goals on both the FitBit and MyFitnessPal but not too low. Last week I was only 60 cal below my net for the week. So I know I'm not in starvation mode. Even if I have wildly under estimated the calories I've been consuming I still should have lost weight. So, can someone explain to me how if I am under my net calories how I still managed to gain weight each week? Not much, 1 pound each week, but enough to discourage me for sure.

I am thinking surely there must be some sort of hormone/thyroid imbalance at this point.

If it matters, I am about 22 pounds from my goal weight.



  • TheLovelyKenne
    Hello there,

    I understand how frustrating it can be...Don't give up. May I ask, how many calories have you been consuming on average?
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Eating too much
    BIGBMF Posts: 50 Member
    If your starting it could be water. Drink more of it.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    If you are not weighing and measuring ALL your food, than you are probably over eating. If you are weighing your food, than are you weighing it before its cooked? This ensures you don't underestimate how many calories you are eating.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Gaining a pound a week, means you're consuming too many calories. You're also probably expecting too much to soon. Only the morbidly obese can lose a lot of weight quickly, simply because they're accustomed to eating 4 to 7 thousand calories a day and when they cut back to less than 1500, it peels off at first, and they slow down the more they lose.

    22 pounds is going to come off slowly. A pound a week is going to be tough, and then eventually it will slow to 1/2 and then a 1/4 pound per week.

    It just takes time, stick with it and you'll get there, but there is something definitely wrong with you gaining a pound a week, that's not good. Check your settings to make sure your stats are correct, weigh your food, and watch to make certain you're not drinking a lot of calories.

    Good luck
  • stryker520
    stryker520 Posts: 12 Member
    I appreciate all the input. I am averaging about 1175 net calories a day I weigh everything I eat - to the gram - and use the barcode scanner for accuracy. It could be water/dehydration. I live in TX and it has been very hot lately and I have been outside a lot.

    Eating too much - as I said in my original post even if I wildly under estimated how many calories I was consuming I still should be losing. According to my Fitbit I burn about 2700 cal a day.

    I guess patience is not my forte! :)
  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    I suspect its very likely you are overestimating the calories burned through exercise. 2700 is a very large number.

    For example if I were to run, it would take me over 20 miles to burn 2700 Net calories..

    I'd suggest you enter your details in here, and see how many calories a day you should be eating, and then compare that to the gross figure on MFP
  • jnpyles
    jnpyles Posts: 2 Member
    The Fitbit is the problem. It overestimates calorie expenditures and is giving you way too much calorie credit for too little actual activity. Eliminate this connection and you have will see real results soon.
  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    Also just because it has a barcode doesn't mean that the weight is accurate. Better to weigh food yourself.
  • whyyesitsneke
    Be careful of things that estimate your calorie burn. They are never 100% accurate, and so you can think you should be losing when really you should not. This is a common issue, particularly as many exercise equipment options have a calorie counter that overestimates. Does this mean you should stop using them? No, it simply means that you shouldnt treat it as accurate.

    That being said, if this has been an ongoing problem (weight loss, inability to lose), etc, and you are worried, go get your thyroid checked but be sure not to go in expecting it is an issue. The thyroid is a fickle thing, and it does affect many aspects of your life, but it is not always the problem with weight.

    If you wish to talk to somebody all too familiar with how the thyroid affects weight, amongst other things, feel free to message me - I very much understand the problem.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    are you noticing changes in how your clothes feel? if not then it might just be water retention. when it's hot and you're dehydrated, water retention is going to be more in your extremities so you'll notice a difference in how socks, shoes, rings etc fit but not necessarily clothing