30 day shred anyone starting



  • jeancuffe
    jeancuffe Posts: 3 Member
    Just started this week - doing session 3 tonight :)
  • NNora06
    NNora06 Posts: 28 Member
    I was getting tired of Level 1, so started Level 2 - ouch! Definitely going to have to work hard to keep in time with Jillian! Love the challenge! Anyone else started Level 2 recently?
  • NNora06
    NNora06 Posts: 28 Member
    I didn't have internet, time or a place to do it, so I just picked up where I left off once I was home and did some extra days on Level 1 before moving on.
    Just started last week but will fall behind next week when I do not have access to the DVD. So by next week we will be at the same place! It does get easier day by day!

    If you have access to a computer, you won't have to fall behind--the entire series is on YouTube. :wink:
  • I started recently on day 6 now. I must say it has gotten a tad bit easier so I do it along with a Turbo Fire HIIT workout. I still struggle with the push ups but at a moderate pace I can do them for the minute. My day after my first two days I was so sore. My boyfriend gave me leg and arm massages to ease the pain which really helps along with Epsom salt baths. Now I don't get sore at all, probably because it's still level 1.
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Hey there! I'm starting tomorrow and will gladly accept friend requests, messages, and supporting each other! :)
  • Kicking
    Kicking Posts: 26 Member
    Started Day 1 today. Didn't find it to bad but I do expect it to get harder as the levels go on. Looking forward to seeing results. :)
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I started on august 12th and completed level 1 today. I took a total of 3 resting days, 2 to let my body get used to working out and 1 because I couldn't work out that day. Will start level 2 tomorrow and the day after, then I'll be abroad for a few days and return to level 2 on monday september 1st. Please add me, would be great :)

    Since I started I lost 6 pounds (starting weight 154 pounds, currently 148 pounds. I'm 69 inches tall) from my upper legs and 2 cm from my waist, 1 cm from my hips and 1 cm from my breasts. Converted to inches that is 2 inches in total so far. Aside from 30DS, I bike to and from work everyday (about 30 minutes) and I eat around 1300-1400 calls a day.

    Very happy with these results after just 10 days :) Noticable difference are my upper legs, feel a lot tighter already!
  • __hannah_
    __hannah_ Posts: 787 Member
    I started again last week. I'm only doing the videos 3 days a week, opposite days I'm doing couch to 5k and lifting. I've never finished 30 days but hope to this time. All the jumping usually made me stop before because my knees hurt.