BMR and Daily Calories

I just used the BMR calculator and it put my daily calories somewhere around 1800/day. But, MFP only allows me somewhere around 1350/day. I always eat back my calories burned after exercise, but am I eating enough? I'm losing weight and I'm not feeling to hungry. Just want to make sure I'm not doing any damage.


  • adkmountainguy
    adkmountainguy Posts: 50 Member
    MFP calculates your daily calories based on your goals. If your goal is lose weight, it will set your caloric allowance lower than your BMR, which will create a calorie deficit, which will lead to weight loss. Keep eating your exercise calories, and as long as you're not hungry, you should be in good shape.
  • FitFeden
    FitFeden Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks. That's what I assumed, but I just wanted check with others.
  • mkrafick
    If you are not hungry and you are losing weight at a safe clip - i.e. .5-1lb a week no exercise, or 2-4lb (4 being a lot of exercise that week) you should be ok with your Calorie intake.

    I'm not a doctor or trainer, but this is what I have learned from my personal trainer.

    Keep up the good work!