Counting calories at school?

Hey! I'm still in school and I was wondering what would be the easiest way to keep track of my calorie intake during lunch. I would prefer not to bring a lunch, but if you have any suggestions of what healthy things I could bring for lunch feel free to say it. What school lunch items should I avoid?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    down load the app on your phone- record what you eat for lunch.

    I'm not sure- are you packing or eating at lunch? I mean I eat left overs?

    and nothing is really a good or bad option- it's just how much and if it suits your needs- leaves you full- or leaves you still hungry.

    Base your choices off that rather than "this is a good option or bad option"

    are my chips and soda going to fill me up for 500 calories- or will this chicken and veggie stir fry fill me up for the same 500 calories??

    I tend to lean toward chicken and veggies- I can eat more- feel full longer- and have the energy to do what I need.
    Does this mean the chips and soda are bad? Nope. Just means they aren't a good choice for me today.

    But on Saturday's- when I have 4 hours of dance class and 2 hours of weight training- damn right I eat those chips and soda for my afternoon meal.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    When I was in High School I went to the School Nurse and asked for a list of nutritional information containing calories, carbs, sodium, fat, protein, etc. in the school cafeteria food. She asked why I wanted them, I told her for personal reasons, and she printed the full charts out without any complaints. Way better than guessing!
    Now that I'm in college I mostly pack my food for convenience, but I have emailed our cafeteria to get the nutritional information of the cappuccinos :x
    The resources are out there, all you have to do sometimes is ask :)
  • bree827642
    I find it easier to pack a lunch I know will keep me full for the afternoon rather than try to find a lunch on campus that isn't all-bread or over $12.

    I throw things into one container for a salad mixed with beans or a protein like chicken or tofu, that isn't too much trouble to put in my bag. I don't use lettuce if i'm using a dressing (it wilts) but instead use other veg like cabbage or shredded kale as the salad base to hold up better.

    If you're into sandwiches you can also make those the night before and grab the container out of the fridge the next morning.

    This is the easiest way to log what you're eating if you pack it the night before - you can log the calories before you go off to school and know how your day will look. Also (and i find this is important for me) if you make your own lunch you can't fool yourself on portion size which is so easy to do if you buy your lunch :/ Good luck.
  • SlenderTerror
    Thanks everyone! You all helped. :)