Starting again, for the last time!!

els312 Posts: 10 Member
Hello All, I'm sick of starting over again and again!! I never feel as good as I do when I am eating healthy and working out, but I constantly fall off the wagon. I need to stay on it for good this time!! I am at my heaviest and really not feeling great. I am looking for support and people that will remind me that the weight didn't come on over night and it won't come off that way either. Feel free to add me so that we can support each other!!


  • DJBootyBean
    DJBootyBean Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I've started over again at least four times, too. Honestly I can feel your pain. If you want to add me, feel free! I can help motivate you as much as I can! Good luck and I know you can do it! It's a rough process, but a possible one
  • Hi, Im starting again as well! I found this site 5 years ago and lost 40 lbs using it. Since then i found the love of my life and moved in with him and have gained the 40 lbs back plus 20 more lbs. Its seemed much easier before to lose weight when i was single and unemployed and find myself discouraged that the weight seems to be harder to lose this time. So im here to support you if you can support me. Im attempting to lose 70 lbs by February. WE CAN BOTH DO THIS!
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I don't know if it helps, but maybe try not to think of it as starting over. Think of it as learning new habits, breaking old ones and continuously learning how to live a healthier life. If I have a bad day or even a week, I don't start over, I just try day to day to make the right choices. Sometimes I succeed!

    You are learning a better lifestyle. Take time to learn what works for you.
  • AuburnMom21
    AuburnMom21 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I am just starting this process and working to lose 50 lbs. I am looking forward to having a healthier lifestyle, and feeling better. I have been using MFP for about a month. Looking forward to connecting with others on the board for support and motivation.
  • Lucylouise86
    Lucylouise86 Posts: 4 Member
    Me too!!! I am so uber determined this time...last 3 stone previously and then got married and had honeymoon=weightgain.

    Now its time to start this properly again!
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me! Daily log in. I can help motivate you as much as I can!
  • paigekimmy2
    paigekimmy2 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the same way. Off and on again. I want to finally stick to it and be happy.
  • bloggymomx
    bloggymomx Posts: 72
    Nice to meet you! You can do this! I've dieted SO many times before but only lost 20lbs before I quit. This time I said this was the last time I was going to try or I would jsut be happy with who I was and I've lost 62 lbs so far and counting. I'm PAST my halfway mark. YOU CAN DO THIS IF I CAN!
  • 097991d
    097991d Posts: 2
    Feel free add me! looking for support :)
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    You can do it!!!!!!!!
  • els312
    els312 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for the support and encouragement, we can all do this!!!
  • amelia651
    amelia651 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! I know joining this website was an awesome first step for me, I am in it for the long haul with at least 99 more pounds to go before I re-evaluate. Feel free to add me :)
  • labibak
    labibak Posts: 1
    Although I have been saying I'm trying to be fit for the past few months, I really have not put in the effort. So officially today I want to start again, change my eating habits and lifestyle. Let's motivate each other!
  • tsiek
    tsiek Posts: 1 Member
    Good for you! I joined about 6 weeks ago with the intent of it being the last time too. 9lbs down - slow and steady is my motto. You can do it! This is the best place for support! :smile:
  • jodysmiles
    jodysmiles Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All. I am back in the game and want to be a thinner, healthier me. With support from others it will be an easier journey.
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    I'm starting again too today. I've been dithering about for a few months now since I started in January but I am ready to knuckle down and blast the fat and be fit, healthy and happy! We can do this!!

    If anyone wants to add me for mutual support that would be great! X
  • msbran77
    msbran77 Posts: 63 Member
    You can add me for support
  • lozzat88
    lozzat88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! Really nice reading your messages; I did the same as a lot of you, signed up a year ago but fell out the habit. I'm back and determined; day 1 down :-) always easier when you're not doing it alone
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    I've tried over 40 different programs and am still actively seeking the one that will work. I may have found it (again - haha).

    There is a Community Group titled "Wasteland Warriors" and it make weight loss into a game. Search for it under groups.

    The premise is to offer quests and side quests that are based in the future. To travel to a destination to save the city from Super Mutants or Radscorpions I have to complete legs of the journey (15 sit ups, 1 mile walk/run, 3 minutes of virtual jump roping, etc.) Then I have to defeat a Boss Monster (2000 calorie burn for the week, or giving up bacon, eating two salads and exercising three separate days for 30 mins each over a week, etc.)

    What this does is gives me incentive to continue my weight loss, I have an accountability mechanism to myself, to completing the quest I began and to the other members of WW. It's also fun as I can level up by gaining experience, obtain weapons and armor to better defeat creatures (not all quests require defeating creatures, one was to provide a list of 5 favorite songs), but all require me to defeat my habits and create new ones.

    Totally fun and supportive and so far, successful. I've actually begun losing this time.
  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    If anyone decides to join the questing to a better us by joining the Wasteland Warriors group, please let me know and I'll give what tips I've learned on the group that help achieve our goals (like picking a perk and completing the three Basic Training's).
  • turryandsally
    turryandsally Posts: 28 Member
    You can do this! (Oh, and so can I - I forget that sometimes.) I'm proud of you for getting back on track. I LOVE mfp - it is a huge help to me. Please include me in your community of encouragers!
  • I'm in the same boat. Joined on 2011 and lost a lot, was running up to 13 miles at a time on my long run days.
    Then I messed up my knee, rehabbed from that, got back on track somewhat...then last Sept. I had a major traumatic injury; I fell and destroyed my right humerus. During the surgery, they overloaded IV fluids and I ended up with pulmonary edema and inpatient for a week. Needless to say, I was helpless for at least a month, and endured more pneumonia/pleurisy thru all the winter. That will put a damper on your cardio...
    Even after the titanium implant, I have nerve damage that is still an issue. That's the cruddy part.. The GOOD part - We bought a new house in April. We have a pool, which has allowed me way more freedom in trying to get moving without pain. I've been trying to walk/run for the past month, and thought, yeah, time to get it together and get back on MFP! Today I actually jogged/walked for nearly 2 miles straight. It FELT GREAT! MFP works . Glad to be back.:)
  • adoll127
    adoll127 Posts: 6 Member
    You've got this!! Just start making a couple or a few changes so it's not too overwhelming and as those because your norm keep moving to other things that need to change.
    I love seeing everyone's progress, feel free to add me :)
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    This is my 2nd "go-round" as well. So far, so good. You're welcome to add me. I love new friends :)
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Stop stopping, then you won't have to keep starting over.
  • lorrjoe
    lorrjoe Posts: 16 Member
    I know the feeling!
  • SHEscribbles
    SHEscribbles Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ya. I'm trying to start over... FOR REAL this time! ;) Diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago. Thought that would give me the motivation that I needed. It has not. I NEED to lose AT LEAST 30 pounds. Logged on today in for some motivation. Will add you guys. Lets do this!
  • Getting myself back on track and so far I am hanging in there feel free to add me if you like. :smile:
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    I'm here too!! I log everyday...just went on vacation for a week so started logging again can do this!!! WE ALL CAN!! One day, one meal, one step at a time. Anyone feel free to add me. :bigsmile:
  • Add me too!