best way to log?

what is the most accurate way to log in the food diary? I always feel like i'm skipping or leaving something out. Does anyone have any suggestions???


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I log while I am making meals, if I am cooking at home. So while I'm standing at the stove or counter I have my phone or laptop on and I add in things as I go.

    When I'm out, I log at the table. Order my food, add it in my app. If the meal comes and is different than expected I get my phone back out and change my diary.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I plan the basic structure of my day's meals the night before (usually lying in bed), first thing in the morning or after breakfast (which is usually the same thing). So, I have a pretty good idea that I'll be near my protein, fat, fiber targets, spread over my meals, with milk for tea/coffee also added in. I like to know what I've got planned for the day in terms of meals (as well as the rest of my life!), because I find it less stressful to just quickly put the meals together. Then I make small adjustments as I'm putting the food on the plate, or as I'm cooking. I use my phone, or my PC, to do the basics, and then use my phone or iPad in the kitchen (that's where the iPad stays).
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    The best time for ME to log is either while food is cooking or being prepared or directly after I eat, while still sitting at the table. I prelog if I know what I am going to eat in advance, but that isn't often.