Do any of your meds stall or slow down your weight loss?

Just out of curiosity, do you take any meds that you feel slows down or stalls your weight loss?

I take a few, but one that I've heard horror stories about when it comes to weight gain is Effexor (antidepressant). I've been taking it for only a month and I'm only into my 3rd week of counting calories, but so far, I've had no problem at all losing weight just by sticking with the allotted calories and exercising about 6 days a week.

Feel free to add your two cents about your experiences with meds and weight loss.


  • ErisDyscordia
    ErisDyscordia Posts: 50 Member
    I have been on various anti-depressants and mood stabilizers with a side effect of weight gain. My way of combating it was to not give into the increased appetite they cause which causes the weight gain.

    What worked really well for me (aside from counting calories), was to take my meds like a half hour before a full meal (so before dinner, or lunch or whatever)). This allowed the side effect of hunger to be satisfied with my normal meal, rather than making me hungry for an additional meal.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I take Cymbalta and I believe it's contributed in part to my weight gain, as well as the extreme difficulty I've had in taking it off. In fact I'm planning to talk to my doctor next week about discontinuing it. I was on Effexor for a while and didn't have any weight problems, but before that I was on Lexapro and I gained a lot. Antidepressants affect everyone differently. I'm glad it isn't causing weight problems for you!
  • Eselte
    Eselte Posts: 49
    I should have added - I took Prozac for a long time a few years ago, and GAINED TONS. But, I wasnt exercising or counting calories. I was dealing with a horrible time in my life and honestly I think the weight gain was due to my emotional eating, and probably not the med itself.