Back and looking for accountability partners!

So...I took some time off MFP and exercising and now I'm back on board. Last fall, I started a new job, had twins, and lost my dad in a pretty short span of time. Now things have kind of evened out for me and I recommitted to healthful living. I have a Jawbone Up24 fitness tracker. My husband got me an Xbox so I can work out more at home instead of trying to get to the gym.

I have about 20 lbs to go - 10 lbs of baby weight and 10 I'd like to shed anyway. I did take some 'before' pics so if I get brave in a few months, I'll post progress pics. : )

This girl I work with has an accountability partner and they do things like: text each other through the day with encouragment, or if they're struggling they'll text "Help I want to eat five doughnuts!" or something; check each other's food diaries; do weekly 'challenges' (like last week the challenge was no cokes, another one was to meditate 10 mins a day, etc.). Stuff like that. I'd love to build up my little MFP community again.

Let me know if you'd like to try some MFP online accountability! Emails and MFP posts and stuff like that. I love y'all but I'm not giving you my number unless I know you IRL. lol.


  • dbroomy
    dbroomy Posts: 17 Member
    I got back on myfitnesspal today after being off of it for awhile, and I was greeted with the suitcase and "Welcome Back" message. I'm guessing that's new. it got me thinking to how many times I start on here, go a couple of months(or weeks) then stop. I'm hoping an accountability partner (I keep thinking AA sponsor) will provide some assistance in keeping me consistent. My problem is I hate when I cheat and have to record it, or when I get frustrated trying to record small stuff like "ketchup" or how many spoons of sugar I put in my coffee (and what size is the cafeteria spoon anyway?). Also calculating weight training workouts get a bit frustrating since I will change the weights i'm using per set (I'm just ranting now..)

    I'm hoping some more people sign up for this cause it sort of gives a weird vibe when its only two people, that don't know each other.

    My goal is to lose about 30lbs. I'm at 206 trying to get down to 175. Biggest weakness is entenmanns chocolate chip cookies, I can seriously eat a box a day. My kids know not to touch the box. I buy them a bag of chips ahoy to distract them, but they know not to touch the entenmanns.

    Anyway, if you are game I am game and yah strictly emails and mfp is cool with me.
  • mchristo918
    Greetings, I'm new to MFP so am still figuring things out. I would like to have some "virtual" buddies who encourage me who are going through the same process. I get discouraged with technology (I'm 40), so having folks out there helping me is a good thing.

    I was sick for two years (pre-cancer garbage) but am finally back to full health and got the green light to go ahead and slim down. I started at the end of May at 206 lbs, and today I weighed in at 191. That's 15 pounds in two months! I'm really proud of my progress, but it hasn't been easy. I am most easily frustrated with staying on track with my fitness. I, too, have a hard time tracking weight training. I'm just starting with kettlebells. I'm also running (really slowly) three times a week. I don't have a sweet tooth, but dang it I love me a fatty latte!

    I would love to join in this little group if you'll have me. Online communication is a-ok with me. Cheers!
  • FitBritt1991
    FitBritt1991 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am Brittany. I just re-signed up on MFP, after being away for a couple of years.(I gave up after I had my second child). However, I am now back and in action. I want to get healthy again, and stop using my children as an excuse to be overweight. I know that I have the right mind-set, and have no issue working out. Food temptation is my most dreadful downfall. I come from a huge family (physically huge as well as in numbers). It is very hard for me to resist food temptation because we are often having family get togethers, in which there are a lot of delicious and not nutritious foods. I would like to have a couple of buddy's on this website that can help me and share tips on how they stay focused on their food goals!
  • FeFers82
    FeFers82 Posts: 1 Member
    I got on MFP today JUST for motivation and this was the first topic that popped up. I would love to be in your accountability group as I'm struggling to get back on the workout wagon.

    Currently, I have quite a few life changing events taking place. It's easier to throw the excercise and eating correctly out the window than to stay on track but I know it will only make the situation worse. I just need a little pinch/ poke/ slap/ punch... SOMETHING! to keep me focused on my goal. I think helping one another will hold ourselves accountable as well.