Trouble drinking water

623Hernandez Posts: 458
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Unfortunately I don't like the taste of water. I know how good it is for you and all the benefits but I still can't chock it down. As a mater a fact I rarely get thirsty. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get at least 8 in a day I would appreciate it! And if anyone knows why I don't get thirsty. LOL I mean have read anything about lack of thirst. I am off to work now... I hope you all have a GREAT day! OH and what is the benefits between plain water and flavored water or crystal light????


  • I squeeze 1/2 of a fresh lemon in my water. It is refreshing and really makes it taster better!!
    PPFEIFER2 Posts: 13 Member
    I have thew same problem I am gonna try some lemon also.....:happy: :happy: :smile:
  • I put lemon in my water as well. Not only does it add a little flavor, but it's good for you and is also a little kick starter for your metabolism. ^_^
  • Yes, the lemon helps! Just be sure not to put the peel in your water or wash the outside of the lemon well, because it can be dirty and full of germs.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    To help me keep track and give me a visual of how much more I need to drink, I use the same water bottle all day. At then beginning of the day, I have 4 hair bands around the top and as I drink a full bottle, I move them down. It works out to 96 oz for me a day. I don't know why you don't get thirsty. As far as Crystal Light - I don't like it since it has sugar substitutes and does contain some sodium (35 mg per serving). However, I can't drink our tap water; it is nasty! I have to have the filtered water from a water store in our town - it's about 25 cents per gallon, but compared to paying for Crystal Light it's cheaper for me. We just refill 5 gallon jugs to keep at home.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    This is going to sound weird, but a slice of cucumber in water tastes really refreshing. I was doubtful when my hairstylist handed me a glass, but it tasted really really good. And I am not a water lover. I also drink unsweetened tea. And really, really cold water. I make myself drink a certain amount before eating each meal. Maybe aim for 4 glasses and increase it one glass each week.
  • I have kidney disease...which is really bad when you don't drink water. Not enough water consumption can be detremental to your organ functions. Lemon in water actually helps break down some acids that your food produce in your blood stream and help to cleanse. I drink my water with lemon and occasionally I have crystal light because I too find it hard to drink water. However, I notice when I do consume at least 8 glasses a day, I tend to not eat or snack as much...which is a good thing. I haven't been really tracking my water consumption on this site because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I consume my 8 glasses (64 ounces). I have a 64 ounce water jug that I use all day long to make sure.
    Anyway, hope this helps.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    You don't get thirsty because your body has gotten used to what you are doing. You are doing damage to yourself though and need to drink water. The benefits are too many to list.

    I have a timer on my computer that goes off every hour reminding me to drink a glass of water, I get up and chug it down. You may want to consider filtered water if you don't like the taste.

    I have a cupboard full of herbal teas at home and at work and get in a lot of my water consumption this way during winter when I would rather have something warm.

    Water is not only important for weight loss and health but aids in digestion, organ function, removing toxins from your body . . . but most importantly it REALLY improves the health of your hair and skin!
  • I squeeze lemon or even lime into my water when I need a change from plain water. I also carry around a 20oz water bottle and just keep drinking it. It helps that I'm a constant snacker so I have gone from snacking all day to drinking all day.
  • I know what you mean. I too have the same problem, I am rarely thirsty. But I am working my way up to the eight glasses. Right now I'm at about 4 a day, which is better than the 1 or 2 I was doing before. Good Luck!
  • missindepndnt86
    missindepndnt86 Posts: 77 Member
    I too, do the lemon thing in my water like many others do. Someone has suggested the cucumber in the water to me, but haven't tried it yet. I like Crystal Light, however its way too strong for me so I'll use one packet to about 32oz. of water. I have a 32oz. tumbler that I keep in my desk at work and I always drink AT LEAST two glasses a day. Really doesn't seem like I'm forcing myself to drink that much water when I'm only drinking two "cups". :)
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Sometimes when I want some flavor I add a lipton tea togo to my water, they are cal free and most taste good. I personally don't care for the raspberry, but then artifical raspberry tends to be too sweet for me anyway. Don't forget that other drinks you choose do have some water content, but caffine dehydrates you. Lemon or lime added is good too-- I used to do that until I developed an allergy to lemons.
  • yes, I don't care for the taste of water either, but I have to force myself to drink it. I don't always get my recommended 8 glasses a day, but I shoot for at least half. At work, I have the same 16oz plastic bottle that I refill from the water cooler. I chug it probably 4 good chugs and I'm done. Mentally, I know I need to drink it despite that I don't care for it. But I also tell myself that in order for me to have my coffee, I have to drink the water. Maybe you could try that.
  • jtreadwell
    jtreadwell Posts: 90 Member
    Can you count your drinks as water if you add crystal light to it or does if have to be just water only?
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    Honestly...just do it!!
    Sometimes being healthy requires we do things we don't want exercise, and passing on donuts!
    So, take a big breath, and chug it. And just dump all the normal drinks that you consume down the drain!
    The habit WILL stick AND you'll quickly learn to like the taste and the way it makes you feel.
    Also...get your workout on! After a sweaty hour there is nothing you will want more than a cold water.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Lemon does taste good in water but if you're anything like me, buying a dozen lemons at the grocery store every week is a PITA. The concentrated lemon juice in a lemon-look-a-like container isn't the same thing.

    A doctor once told me to drink alot of water...stating that if I didn't like the taste to put Crystal Light in it. I personally don't mind water and try to stay away from the artificial sweeteners whenever possible but that seems like a good alternative. Buy a few boxes and keep one at home and one at work. Maybe one in your car.
  • cold brew teas, and using a water bottle (a big one) helps keep track and not lose count and when u finish the whole bottle its very rewarding!
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    I think it gets easier once you get used to it! It was a revelation to discover how little I drank before I started to track it regularly. I have also found that I no longer get so many headaches now that I am well hydrated.

    I hate the taste of city water but manage to drink it if it is really cold or if I add ice or some sort of flavoring like fresh lemon or lime. The water at home is much nicer and I don't mind drinking it. Bottled water tastes OK but it is expensive and I hate to add all those plastic bottles to the environment (but we do have recycling at work)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Have you tried carbonated water? I really prefer it to plain water.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    totally understand! I use Crystal Light Pure Fitness. It doesn't have any artificial sweeteners, just a little sugar and Truvia. adding lemon, cucumber, strawberry, etc to the water can help too.
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