Breastfeeding Mom & Calories

Does anyone know how many calories extra I should add if I am a breastfeeding mother of a 3 month old? Myfitnesspal doesn't have an option for that, and I don't want to lower my calorie intake so much that I risk decreasing my milk supply.


  • jrow5
    jrow5 Posts: 35 Member
    Have you asked a Lactation consultant? Or searched the web? I think it's 500 more calories than a non-nursing woman?? But I could be wrong, sorry I'm not any true help...
  • sarajmiller
    sarajmiller Posts: 2 Member
    I think you need to eat an extra 300 calories a day to help with your milk supply.
  • DianeDenise
    My daughter is breastfeeding and she said add 500 calories per day to your diet. Good luck! :-) and congratulations!
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    Enter "breastfeeding" under food in your food diary. Or you can do a search for "breastfeeding" under food. MFP has several options. I believe it might be under exercise as well but I always used it under food.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    If you go to track foods and put in breastfeeding under the search, it will come up and add it to your breakfast meal and it will add more calories to your total limit. Hope this helps!
  • jenoolson
    Thanks everyone! Found it under food.