logging DVD workouts as exercise

when you're exercising-following along with a dvd are you calling it aerobics or what when you log it?


    MACJL Posts: 13 Member
    I do! I have some DVD's that have some weight lifting qualities, but I don't count reps so I consider them cardio. I use my HRM with my DVD's and then add them as "new". That way I enter my duration and calories.
  • BigMomma742
    BigMomma742 Posts: 46 Member
    I have Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" which there is a lot of arm lifting, jabs, and kicks too so just to be "safe" on my calories I have been logging it as slow walking.... I'm surprised the exercise search isn't as thorough as the food search is for when calories are logged. thanks for your two cents. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I have Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" which there is a lot of arm lifting, jabs, and kicks too so just to be "safe" on my calories I have been logging it as slow walking.... I'm surprised the exercise search isn't as thorough as the food search is for when calories are logged. thanks for your two cents. :)

    Because there are just too many dvds, which is why it's fine to log it under something generic like walking (in your case), aerobics, or circuit training.

    Just pick one and try it out and see how it works. If you find the burn might be too exaggerated, knock off 50-100 cals from it and give that a go for 4-6 weeks. Repeat if necessary.
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    I add it to my exercise list and call it whatever it is called. For instance, I log Insanity Cardio Power and insert the calories manually as per my HRM reading.
  • julwarner29
    julwarner29 Posts: 3 Member
    Depends on what you're doing. I'm guessing a lot of companies prefer not to have the names of their programs on MFP, since calories burned depends on the intensity you are working and your current weight. That being said, to make it easier on myself, I often use "Circuit Training, general" for programs that are a combination of cardio and strength, like T25 or Insanity (I also use this for a few of the classes my gym offers).
  • BigMomma742
    BigMomma742 Posts: 46 Member
    all great ideas. Thanks everybody.
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    I have done the 10 minute walking workout on Jason's kitchen on youtube, I did contact him re cals burned, he said approx 100 calories but the best part it was raise your metabolism for many hours after..... it is easy to find 10 mins a couple of times a day.........
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I have a Zumba DVD and just log it as Zumba. But I don't know how I'd log it if I had a DVD that was a mix of exercises.
  • sammama5
    sammama5 Posts: 92 Member
    This might help somebody else, but I have been logging Jillian Michael's DVD's as circuit training. I think the calories burned is a little high, so I usually cut it back to 2/3 or 66%. (If I do 45 minutes, it gives me like 449. I call it 300)
  • santiagodebbie
    santiagodebbie Posts: 1 Member
    I have the advanced zumba it is 60 minutes and it is interval fast slow etc. so logged as interval training zumba...My issue is how do you log Tibata, is any one doing it ..I guess it would be high intensity intervals....4 minutes worth...20 seconds then 10 seconds rest for 8 cycles
  • snjohnston
    snjohnston Posts: 47 Member
    This might help somebody else, but I have been logging Jillian Michael's DVD's as circuit training. I think the calories burned is a little high, so I usually cut it back to 2/3 or 66%. (If I do 45 minutes, it gives me like 449. I call it 300)
    Same here.
  • MyaNo
    MyaNo Posts: 10 Member
    Try this website I don't know how accurate it is but you put your weight, the duration of the workout and it has a search feature for different videos

  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    "I do! I have some DVD's that have some weight lifting qualities, but I don't count reps so I consider them cardio. I use my HRM with my DVD's and then add them as "new". That way I enter my duration and calories."

    This is what I do as well.
  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    I log mine as Aerobics, low-impact. I usually logged less minutes than the time of the video because I cut out the time it takes for warmups and cooldowns, anything where I don't feel as if I'm working out yet. I have a HRM watch that I used to get a better idea of whether what I was tracking was accurate or not. I suggest getting a heart rate monitor or borrowing one from a friend who has one to make sure how you're tracking it is in the right burn range for you.
  • BigMomma742
    BigMomma742 Posts: 46 Member
    Nice thanks. Thank you everybody for your suggestions :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I have Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" which there is a lot of arm lifting, jabs, and kicks too so just to be "safe" on my calories I have been logging it as slow walking.... I'm surprised the exercise search isn't as thorough as the food search is for when calories are logged. thanks for your two cents. :)
    I log Leslie Sansone DVDs as walking at 4mph as that's the pace she gets you to step at and the extra movements make up the difference from walking outside.