Weighing in and Fats

How often does everyone weigh in? I am on day two, so obviously I'll wait at least a week (right?)

Also, I've noticed my Fat intake is wayyyyy above what my goal is. I feel like my avacado, chicken sausage, and olive oil fats are good fats, but they're taking me way over the edge when it comes to my daily pie graph and numbers. Any advice?




  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I weigh every day, but I am a total stat nerd.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Nothing wrong with going over on fats. They're good for you. Also keeps you full. Don't worry about it.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Once a week is enough. As to fat, fat is good for you. The more fat you eat, the more you'll lose because you won't be as hungry all the time. Do your research. About 40% of your macros should be fat.
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    I go way over on my fats constantly. Like, literally almost every single day, and by a significant amount.

    It has not stopped me from lowering my body fat percentage nor has it made me gain weight or make me softer and fatter or anything like that. :)

    Since you're not eating potato chips and cookies or junky sources of fats, I wouldn't worry too much.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Once a week weigh ins. I am almost always over on fat. Hasn't been a problem.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I have my macros set to 30% fat and that works out pretty well. I need protein and carbs as well.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I weigh every day, but the fluctuations don't bother me. If seeing the scale go up and down is going to stress you out then weigh less often. The main thing is to weigh under the same conditions every time. Usually first thing in the morning without clothes will give you the most accuracy. But again, you're still going to see fluctuations and that's completely normal.

    I'm regularly over on fat. Just make sure you're getting enough protein. If you're so far over on fat that your protein is way too low then that's not good. Likewise I work out intensely 4 days per week so on those days I have to make sure I get enough carbs (that's where your energy comes from).
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I typically weigh in multiple times a week. It just depends on what works best for you mentally. If you choose to weigh every day, you have to be prepared to see normal weight fluctuations in either direction. I like to weigh often because I like the numbers and the data, but that's just me.

    As for your fat intake, you should be fine as long as you're staying within your calorie goal. Some people prefer high fat diets, and if you enjoy eating that way, you can manually change your macro settings to reflect that. I have my fat goal set at 30% of my daily intake. Some days I'm under, and some days I'm over, but I'm pretty comfortable there. :smile:
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one who's regularly over on fat.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I think I go over on fat too, it's hard to get away from. I guess more salads and vegi's.

    But remember a calorie is a calorie regardless whether it comes from cookies or carrots, protein, fat or carbs.
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    I weigh daily - multiple times a day - but only put in my weight on MFP once a week on Wednesday mornings.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    daily, cause I'm a geek :) I've been at this almost 2 years and I don't obsess over the number but it's interesting to see it go up and down throughout the week with a steady downward trend overall. It helps me not lose it when I eat an entire pizza and gain 4lbs cause I know it's comin' off in a few days.
  • tidwellcas
    Wow thank you all! Great to see such fast responses :-) Next question...I'm new to this...what is a macro?
  • tidwellcas
    Thank you!!!! Now..what's a macro :-/
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Thank you!!!! Now..what's a macro :-/

    carbs, fats and protein are all macros. It's short for macronutrient (as opposed to micronutrients which are vitamins and minerals)
  • tidwellcas
    Got it- Thanks again!