Full Body Strength

So, I'm using the JeFit app to help me organize my strength training workouts. I am sticking with dumbbells right now, trying to get both arms more even. I have the following exercises:

1 - Abs - Crunches with Legs on a Bench - 10 sec rest - 5x15 (5 sets per angle of my legs, to work different parts of the abs. Not sure about this, but was recommended by the trainer I had my free consult with)
2 - Abs - Oblique Crunches - 10 sec rest - 5x10 sets (5 per side)
3 - Lower Legs- Dumbbell Standing Calf Raise - 15 sec rest - 5x5
4 - Forearms- Dumbbell Seated Palms Up Wrist Curl - 30 sec 5x5
5 - Shoulders - Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 25 sec 5x5
6 - Back - Dumbbell Deadlift - 30 sec 5x5
7 - Chest - Dumbbell Bench Press - 30 sec 5x5
8 - Triceps - Dumbbell Seated Triceps Press - 30 sec rest - 5x5
9 - Upper Legs - Dumbbell Pile Squat - 30 sec rest - 5x5
10 - Back - Dumbbell One Arm Row - 20 sec rest - 5x10 (5 per arm)

I want to keep things balanced, but I also don't want to miss anything. That is actually Friday's rotation. Monday would start at 8, finish at 7, and Wednesday starts at 5 and finishes at 4. Today I was done in about 50 minutes, which is about right.

Of course, then I have to ask. Jefit gives me the time actually lifting and the time spent at rest, as well as a total. I've been putting the total into MFP, since I presume that you just put in the start and duration, so it hopefully accounts for the rest periods in the exercises, although I'm thinking about removing the rests, at least from the rows, and just switching arms instead of "resting". One day I might just rearrange it so I can remove the rests altogether, but not yet. :) Need to get more comfortable with the weights and figure out what my body is ready to do.


  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Honestly, I'd suggest just following a standard beginner strength program, but if you want to roll your own, a few tweaks I'd suggest:

    Don't worry about calves for now. They get a workout just keeping your upright.

    Don't worry about forearms for now. They get a workout just holding your weights.

    I would do planks instead of crunches.

    Add a lat pull-down.

    Add another glute exercise of some kind. Hip Thrust, Glute Bridge, Kick Backs.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    You should be doing:
    Bench Press

    and eventually

    I honestly wouldn't worry about trying to be "even" until you're at a very low body fat percentage, and well into your lifting career. Barbells will get you to your goal faster with the above.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You're missing:

    Barbell Back Squats
    Assisted Pull Ups/Lat Pull Downs

    You should get rid of:

    Ab exercises
    Forearm exercises
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    OP check out Strong curves or new rules of lifting for women. those are solid full body strength training programs that have allowances for dumbbells.

    and like the others have noted, dont worry about ab, forearm or tricep work. at this stage you should be focusing on compound movements that work many muscle groups and joints at once : squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows, shoulder press. lat pulldowns are an excellent core workout if you do them unseated in a sort of half squat. same with deadlifts, after a good deadlift workout i feel like i've done several minutes of planks
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Also, as important as everything else is your form. Make sure you are doing everything correctly, even if it means you do less reps. I watch the guys in the weight area of my gym and they are often using too much weight to maintain good form. All I see are injuries in their future.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    OP slow down.

    You're doing 5x5s with only 30 seconds rest in-between, and you say you're even thinking of removing the rest all together. That means you're doing it wrong. You're not using enough weight to challenge yourself.

    If you do a set of 5 with a weight that is actually challenging, you will see that it will take you a lot longer than 30 seconds to recover.

    And why are you deadlifting with dumbbells to even out your arms?

    You don't seem to know what you're doing. My advice to you is hop on a standard beginner full-body routine. There are plenty out there to choose from. Check out Ice Cream Fitness 5x5. It seems to match what your routine is aiming to accomplish, except it's better structured and thought out for a beginner.

    Also realize that you're not racing here so there's no reason to set your goal at being out of the gym in 50 minutes or less. When you hop on a real full body routine you're most likely going to be there double that time.
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    The only exercise I was going to remove the rest from, was one I was going to switch arms, so the other arm is "resting" in as much as it isn't lifting anything, while the other arm is. And it is a race to a degree, I have to get back to work. (Midday is the best time of day for me to work out, and although I think work is ok with a 2 hour lunch (I work from home some to help make up for it) I think they'd balk at 2.5-3 hours.)

    I have thought about going to barbell with the deadlifts, still fighting the "Don't know what I'm doing here" feeling in the weight section.

    Thank everyone for the feedback.