Extra calories? What do I do?

Hi--still relatively new to this! :) I'm 22, female, 105-110ish lbs--I set up my profile as "sedentary" since I'm at home a lot, but I exercise 3-5 days a week and do other activity that I log. MFP has me set for 1540 on a normal day but when I log exercise it can be as much as 2100 (WHAT??)

So, if the estimates are correct (ie if the calories burned from the gym machines + food estimates match up) I'm still down like 700ish calories for the day. WHAT?! Do I really need to eat 700 calories before I go to bed? How do you guys eat your extra calories so your body doesn't flip out and think it's starving haha? I think I'm still stuck in the mentality where if I ate that many I'd be out of control or I'd HAVE to gain weight or something. :/ But at the same time, I'm trying to be diligent about giving my body what it needs. There's so much to absorb about proper nutrition that I'm positive I've got to be doing something wrong. So far, since I'm SUPER hungry, I've had a small apple and will probably do one of those little Dannon Greek yogurts, but I mean...is it going to be an issue if I just leave the rest of the calories uneaten? :| What are some good foods to eat late at night, since I've heard it's not good to eat past like...8 PM? :P



  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    I'm eating 4623 calories a day atm and I get a lot of them from oats
  • modelktford
    modelktford Posts: 24 Member
    I eat oatmeal for breakfast--my favorite--but I've heard not to eat them at night? Of course, I have no idea if that's true...mostly, I'm wondering if I'm even supposed to be having a snack that high in calories this late at night. :/ I had no idea I supposedly needed this many...!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ice cream or with that many calories i'd do an open faced ice cream sandwich

    but really maybe you can plan better throughout the day? an avocado here, a full fat greek yogurt there can really add up
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    You're slim. You are young, what's your problem? Read the book In Defense of Food and forget all this rubbish about counting calories. You don't need to unless you are prone to over eating and trying to lose weight. Even then its not totally necessary.

    Eat three square nutritious meals a day and a snack in between if you feel hungry i.e. meals which include lots of fruit and vegetables and a bit of everything else. Eat a wide variety of whole foods. Minimise your intake of processed foods and all junk food. Eat delicious food and cook it yourself.

    Enjoy your food, don't angst about it.
  • modelktford
    modelktford Posts: 24 Member
    I think since I've dealt with restricting so long (~1500/day at most even when I'm exercising heavily), I can't seem to grasp that I'd need that many calories and I'm afraid to eat them. That part of me is viewing a 700 calorie deficiency as a "good" thing. :P The other part of me wants to make some eggs on toast because I'm SO hungry all the time lately...
  • modelktford
    modelktford Posts: 24 Member
    You're slim. You are young, what's your problem? Read the book In Defense of Food and forget all this rubbish about counting calories. You don't need to unless you are prone to over eating and trying to lose weight. Even then its not totally necessary.

    Eat three square nutritious meals a day and a snack in between if you feel hungry i.e. meals which include lots of fruit and vegetables and a bit of everything else. Eat a wide variety of whole foods. Minimise your intake of processed foods and all junk food. Eat delicious food and cook it yourself.

    Enjoy your food, don't angst about it.

    Working towards that mentality. :) I joined to, in conjunction with counseling, combat my ED and I'm trying to get a much better idea of what I need. Soon I hope I can simply enjoy happily! :)
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    If you are hungry all the time, it could well be a sign you need to eat more...

    That being said, a lot of people don't eat all their exercise calories back, so if 700 calories seems to much, try eating an extra 350 calories instead.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    You're slim. You are young, what's your problem? Read the book In Defense of Food and forget all this rubbish about counting calories. You don't need to unless you are prone to over eating and trying to lose weight. Even then its not totally necessary.

    Eat three square nutritious meals a day and a snack in between if you feel hungry i.e. meals which include lots of fruit and vegetables and a bit of everything else. Eat a wide variety of whole foods. Minimise your intake of processed foods and all junk food. Eat delicious food and cook it yourself.

    Enjoy your food, don't angst about it.

    Working towards that mentality. :) I joined to, in conjunction with counseling, combat my ED and I'm trying to get a much better idea of what I need. Soon I hope I can simply enjoy happily! :)

    Have you got any professional help for your ED?
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    I usually just ignore any extra calories that accumulate, and stick with my daily limit. I have a hard enough time meeting my calorie goals as it is. If you're worried about not getting enough nutrients and have trouble meeting your daily goals, add in some avocado. I always include those in my smoothies. Peanut or almond butter would be another alternative to get in extra calories, too.
  • radario
    radario Posts: 59 Member
    Don't eat just to reach a goal set here - it's a guideline. If you're forcing yourself to eat back exercise calories.... Just don't do it. Lots of people - myself included - are losing weight and feeling fine without eating back exercise calories. I've a lot more than you to lose so feel I need that extra deficit. I have plenty of energy. From time to the I feel I need more, so I eat more.

    Your body is the end game. Listen to it above any internet or exercise machine calculators. Always.

    Edit: I wrote the above before reading you had an eating disorder.... Obviously in this case listen to your doctor/counsellor and definitely don't rely on the internet without running what info you get here by them. I wish you strength for your journey and hope you recover soon. A healthy mind is the single greatest tool to achieving the body you want.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Peanut butter, avocados, buttered toast, full fat dairy and cheeses and nuts will boost your calorie count without even trying.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You're slim. You are young, what's your problem? Read the book In Defense of Food and forget all this rubbish about counting calories. You don't need to unless you are prone to over eating and trying to lose weight. Even then its not totally necessary.

    That "rubbish" works for many people here, including me, and I'm not prone to overeating and plan on counting after I've reached my goal weight. Bad wording.